I Want A New Country

Trudeau bought the media, now watch him buy the opposition – with $600,000 a month from your pocket and mine: Spokespeople for the Liberal Party, the Conservative Party of Canada, the Green Party and the New Democratic Party told CBC News that they all have applied to the Canada emergency wage subsidy program to help them cover their employees’ salaries as political donations dry up.

30 Replies to “I Want A New Country”

  1. They’re all sluts. And the only reason the Bloc hasn’t applied yet is they were too stupid to figure it out. They won’t miss a change to take money from Les Anglais. They never have before and this won’t be when they start.

    1. I’m betting the Bloc applied some time ago, they’re just not stupid enough to brag about it to the CBC.

  2. Fire all Members of Parliament. Eliminate all the political party’s. shutter The House of Commons.

    All the government we need is one fool making spending announcements from his cottage door.

    We should demand MP’s resign, especially from the useless “Loyal Opposition”

  3. The day other people’s money runs out just got closer.

    The new country is coming because this one is going to go bankrupt.

  4. First it was…….occupy wall street (lower case because that’s all it deserves…..) idol (I know…I thought it meant no more American Idol….or as Kate puts it…..why is there always a big screen TV….) black lives matter, antifa……you get the drift……
    Now….heaven forbid you mention…anything…and I mean anything….about getting back to work…..and you get your face ripped off…..
    So……This shite doesn’t surprise me…..as Gad said…lol….all in favor of never opening up again….Shout it loud and proud….I still have a job…..I’m getting paid by this that or another gov’t agency….self help group or Trudeau’s socks………YES….stay home you are putting everyone at risk….what’s wrong with you…….
    No more support for the CPC (is the the Communist Party of Chine….haha) until or if they don’t start pushing back…….I’m also looking at you Sask Party……Enough!!!!!
    The only one making sense these days is Pierre Poiliviere……and our friends at The Rebel, present company excepted……Small Dead is still standing strong……
    Thanks Kate and the many great contributors here. It is appreciated.



  5. This country has become a s hole.
    We have a commie traitor for a leader.
    I don’t think there is one liberal cabinet minister with the brains to blow his or her or it’s nose!
    The dope turns criminals loose and then with the stroke of a pen makes law abiding gun owners criminals.
    How many guns do u think sock monkey or lying bill Blair have within seconds of them.
    But you or I out in the boonies should wait for how long with no means to protect ourselves.
    Trudope is a commie little dictator, like Hitler.
    He wanted the guns also. Well f’em.
    Depends who the cons. elect as leader.
    If McKay or O’Toole get in then all we have is more liberals but in blue rappers.
    And they wonder why their donations are drying up. Just wait, I will not donate one more red cent, to any of them.
    Until someone starts standing up for us, to hell with them.
    And I want to see results!
    Or wexit!

  6. You don’t miss your trough until your trough runs dry.
    Then you apply for another trough.
    It is good to be PIG.
    Wallow….Oink Oink Oink Oink.
    PS….no offence to real pigs and their tasty bacon. Oops… sorry vegans, not that any of you emaciated twats are reading this.

  7. I’m furious. If all these western separatist groups could get together, elect a competent leader, develop a credible platform, get creditable candidates, they would have a good chance at electing MP’s in the next election. The Liberals are destroying our country, our families and the peaceful country our veterans fought for.

    1. Carol, I agree in spades. C’mon, West – stop waiting for Jason Kenney to do… something… get on with WEXIT!

      1. It’s past time that the Wexit people abandon talking the talk – Let them walk their talk by proposing a constitution and a bill of rights.

  8. Why the outrage?
    The Uni-Party of Canada needs your money.
    Pricelessly funny,they need taxpayer funds because taxpayer donations have ceased.
    Just like the media party,they need bailed out with taxpayers money,because taxpayers have stopped buying their junk.
    Kleptocracy cannot be reformed,by any nonviolent means.
    Simply put parasites never voluntarily let go.
    WEXIT is coming,as every Federal party is working to make it happen.
    A new country or a relentless continuation of the CON,where the federation takes your work and rewards themselves first and their useful idiots second.
    It really does not matter how you “Feel” about breaking up Canada,you are getting no say in that either.
    The raging welfare mobs ,burning the cities and protesting at the supermarkets,will leave you no choice.
    The only difference between what we are creating and the Zombie Apocalypse is the chant.
    The parasites will be chanting Food and “our Rights” the Zombie’s chant is “Brains”.
    Forget firearms we are going to be using steel plate and substations to zap these suckers.

  9. A pox on all their houses. I am tired of being ruled by parasites.

    Free Alberta!

  10. They should all be allowed to go broke and lay off their staff. If they offered value to their members, they could get funding but they don’t so they won’t. “Pay us so we can ignore you and tell you what your policies will be and who your candidates can and can’t be”. Yah, that’s a good business model. Cancel the morning Spawnathon give-aways and get back to a functioning parliament and hold that POS to the fire and you might see donations. Until then, all those zit-faced poly-sci grad advisors and brain trust can experience unemployment and actually acquire some useful life skills.

    1. I used to think we were voting for people “SERVE” us now we vote for control and persecution. WE have become the fools.

    2. Yep! If they want our contributions, let ’em earn them – by becoming relevant to us. If not, let ’em go learn to code.

      Still waiting for the hyphenated word “non-confidence” to be so much as whispered in Parliament. What’s that? – crickets? – They’re early this year…

      1. Y. Unfortunately you will not hear non-confidence at all because the block and ndp will support the liberals until the next election.

  11. Remember that Chretien “voter subsidy”? What’s changed? Buncha political whores, one and all.
    “Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.” H.L. Menken

    1. PO, there are not enough “normal” men left in Canada or the U.S. Our running and hiding from the flu told me all I need to know about the coming attractions.

  12. On any clear Canadian night
    When the breeze is blowing right
    Just pause and listen carefully
    You’ll hear the sucking ticks and fleas

  13. If the parties cannot afford their staff because donations are down, maybe it’s an indicator of their level of support and they should just cease to exist.
    Access to public funds is not their god given right or an entitlement.
    Political parties should never get dollars from the government to continue to exist.
    Political parties come and go based on a set of values and policies, maybe it’s time for some to just go.

  14. It’s expected of Libturds, Dippers and Watermelons.

    I do look forward to the CPC brain trust explaining how this jives with their “conservative values” though. And the few remaining supporters Weak Andy has on here trying to justify it.

    This CPC is dead to me. Burn it down.

    1. The CPC is dead to me.
      Damned Straight….I have not contributed a cent for over 3 years.
      LIBERALS the lot.

      AM 100% Committed to WEXIT. Be it as a Sovereign Country or (new thinking to me), as a New Protectorate or State within the United States. Either will suffice. And if Alberta folks are smart, Ensure that in either situation, we have the RIGHT TO OWN PROPERTY & Defend it & our Families with any means at our disposal, up to and including an RPG.

      (just kidding there….well sorta)

  15. Don’t worry. The dynamic duo of Mackay and O’Toole will save the Torys.
    As the super smart, connected Torys keep telling us on Twitter, they don’t need outsiders and fringe candidates ruining it for them. They got this covered plebeians.
    Now shut up and vote Tory!

  16. A couple of weeks after the last election, I started getting calls asking for donations from the Cons, to fight JT! At first I was polite and simply said “when you guys show some backbone and spirit I’ll donate”. Well, every week for about a month, it was the same. Eventually, I literally went apeshit, and told em, I’m sick and tired of their weekly begging! Told em to remove my name from their lists, and NO, I was not polite! Haven’t heard from them since, so I guess they got the message. The collective Canadian Goose is well and truly cooked! We are all screwed! Canada is no longer our country!

  17. I think it’s time to make tax evasion a public sport in Canada. Time to turn off the money taps to governments.

  18. As someone who has voted in every election whether it was municipal,provincial or federal for the last 55 years I am well and truly finished with any political party. I have supported Conservative candidates both financially and vocally during that entire time, that situation ends today. Trudeau has destroyed this country with his UN and Globalist bullshit that only a moron would advocate. I doubt that those of us that are still around 20-25 years from now will recognize the Canada they will inherit.

  19. Time for None of The Above.
    A simple plan,change your named to ZZeep 1 through 348(Or however many freeloading MPs we now have).
    I person per riding,300 helpers for the signatures and fee.
    Simple campaign;Don’t bother.
    The only plank of campaign is this;If None Of The Above wins ;all other candidates get lost,new candidates and new election.
    Our professional parasites represent only themselves,we get 5 self serving grade A holes to “choose from”,where is true choice?
    But basicly we are screwed This Kleptocracy is well dug in.Institutionalized even.
    Money means nothing at Federal Government level and the individual taxpayer can’t cause a single overspender any pain.
    If we invert the pyramid scheme,the parasites lose.
    Taxes and Charity shall be local matters only,the upper levels can only have 10% Maximum of the next lower levels take.
    And taxes must be voluntary.Never to exceed 10%.
    Right there you get that “world changing’ modification for the freeloaders paradise.

    Rather than a bloodbath,I want to crush them and watch them suffer,for years.Decades even.
    Just like we working people have done for decades.
