November 13, 2020 – Reader Tips

There’s a new sport in America which may be spreading to Canada. It’s called wokefishing (language warning). Wokefishermen are apolitical or non-Leftist men who pose as devout Wokeists purely to enjoy horizontal refreshment with pretty women who are infected with TDS. This discussion thread is worth a read. For those more interested in real fishing, here’s a beautiful video you’ll enjoy.

Your most authentic tips of the past day are much appreciated!

87 Replies to “November 13, 2020 – Reader Tips”

    1. Sure, but they also come as a package with STDs and lawsuits. I would not touch one with a stolen d**k.

    2. Most of the progressive women I’ve known were an argument in favour of celibacy.

      1. This week I was thinking about the men from the WWII era. Back then the men who showed they were willing to fight totalitarian ideology got the women.
        Today the men have to pretend they agree with totalitarian ideology to get the women.

        1. That’s so funny. I often wonder why girls are so willing to surrender themselves to a system which only wants the worst for them. I think it’s because they believe that group membership will lead to professional success; if they tow the line for a few years. All a modern girl has to do is develop a smug, distant attitude; and then behave as if the world owes her a living. Being snotty is the new definition of refinement. But underneath it all, those poor girls don’t actually know anything. They have been taught that females are immune from prosecution, that they have absolute custody of the children, that they should receive special tax privileges, and that men are the enemy of peace. Under those conditions, the continuation of society is impossible. Those girls need to find out the meaning of an honest day’s work. That means sewing, and digging, and lifting boxes. Not staring at the internet.

    3. The lack of appeal of progressive women isn’t just limited to their looks.

      While I was a university freshman at a transfer college, I knew a certain lady, who I thought was quite charming. It didn’t work out between us and it’s a good thing it didn’t.

      Over the years, I hears bits of news about her and it seems that she became a full-blown hard-core commie SJW. The last I heard, she’s a devoted Dipper and a faithful member of the United Church.

      1. Well I’m not quite so critical of wokefishing.

        Back in the day when I was a conservative ‘brown shirt’ we’d on occasion be entertained by the girls in the enemy camp. The ndp girls were much more enthusiastic than the conservative girls. So yeah when the opportunity presented itself we ventured into enemy territory so to speak.

        The same thing happened at university. The girls in Education we’re available to get their lock picked (they’d provide the combination). So wokefishing isn’t really anything new. It’s the same game.

        I was hunting with a buddy who told me his 30yo successful son gets offers to ‘hookup’ all the time. The night before we went out he (son) got a text from a local teacher who was just leaving the bar and asked if she could stop by to, in her words, hookup. This guy has a regular girlfriend.

    4. I had a guy who grew up in a conservative Baptist church tell me, “Baptist girls are easy.”

      Now I grew up on the western edge of the Bible Belt, and over half the churches in town were Baptist of one flavor or another (many of the rest were like Church of Christ, who considered the Baptists hedonistic pagans). So I dated quite a few Baptist girls. And after some thought, I realized he was right: Baptist girls are easy, and often eager. The old joke about the Baptists goes, “Why do the Baptists oppose premarital sex? It’s because it could lead to dancing.”

      If you get you a Pentecostal girl, well, all that passion and spontaneous orgasms that happen at their services tell you something. Those girls have it going. And catch an Assembly of God girl after a revival service, and you may as well borrow the LTD, because that huge back seat will come in very handy. It’s not for nothing that the Oak Ridge Boys used to tell of how they got a ton more after-show sex when they were on the revival circuit, before they went mainstream country.

  1. Very interesting and extravagant claims being made by Pfizer with little to no backup.
    Even a Pfizer scientist doesn’t agree.

    In any given year, it is a SWAG as to exactly what common flu is going to hit the public .
    And usually the vaccine effectiveness is not more than about 50 to 60%.

    Now out of the murky Pfizer lab, they suddenly have a 90% effective vaccine?
    Can you say Bullspit?

          1. The market went up earlier this week because of the original announcement. I guess the news that maybe the actual results might not be as portrayed explains why it went down in the last two days.

            There’s an old adage among investors: buy on the rumour, sell on the fact.

          2. True. And true. And right.
            Remember the Dems bought Wall Street.

            Besides, imo:
            1) This ‘vaccine’ is impossible.
            2) The politicans are taking the public to the cleaners on this one.

      1. The Pfizer vaccine requires a super freezer to transport and store it. -80c is what I’ve heard and freezer capacity of that type is rare in even first world countries.

        I had the shingles vac (which requires a super freezer) a few years ago and went to 6 pharmacies in Edmonton before I found one that had the vaccine. None had a freezer that could store.

        Third world countries don’t have this kind of equipment and my bet is most provinces in Canada have very limited capacity.

        1. You’re not thinking broadly enough. There are lots of low temperature storage facilities out there that aren’t in the pharmacy supply chain now but could be at a moment’s notice.

          For example, my farrier has a liquid nitrogen bottle in his truck that was designed to store bull semen vials at a temperature well below the vaccine’s needs. He uses it to dispense intense cold as a branding technique. Would he be willing to rent it to a local pharmacy for storing vaccine vials? Make him an offer.

          Is his Dewar bottle the only one around? Nope, there are many other industries that use intense cold. My family physician has one also, but I don’t know if his is adaptable to store vials.

          Is the temperature target absolute? If -56.6 C is adequate for a shorter time, dry ice storage becomes a possibility. This vaccine will be used as soon as it is available, so long term storage shouldn’t be an issue.

          Low temperature storage is a problem, but it’s a solvable engineering problem.

          1. Perhaps. I’m well familiar with AI and seman storage. I hadn’t considered these portable tanks as being suitable to store the vaccine but if that’s a solution – good for us.

    1. Bing’s “Merry Christmas” was a staple in our house when I was a kid. We sang and danced forever, it seemed. Of course I had to buy my own copy when I moved out. Great memories and a great Christmas record.

    2. That’s just rubbing my nose. Our November Maui trip was kyboshed this year. No place for Canadians to get tested from an “Approved Testing Partner”.

  2. Oh look, riots are apparently bad now: the rioters and looters are no longer “caught in the moment” I see. Give it a few days and they might even decide that Antifa is more than just an idea.

    James Woods responds with a thing of beauty:

  3. Regarding Pfizer and its new COVID vaccine, it wasn’t even Pfizer that developed it.
    Here is the background story on the development of the vaccine in this small company owned by 2 scientists.

    Instead of using real live specimens to develop the vaccine, they reduced the process to computer software and it operates at LIGHTSPEED. Millions of shots can be manufactured in a very short time saving huge amounts of money and time.

    According to these people, their final contract with Pfizer has not even been signed yet.
    Bizarre to say the least.

    1. Here is how it works: A rogue state develops a bio-weapon. The rogue state does not release the bio-weapon until it has developed a vaccine. After all, you can’t have the leadership of the rogue state dying from their own bio-weapon can you?
      The rogue state invests a boatload of moola into a respected pharmaceutical company and gives them the already developed vaccine.
      The pharma company and the rogue state both make out like bandits.

      That, kiddies, is how vaccines are developed in record time for deadly Shamdemic inducing Viruses.

      ~note~ that HIV has been on the scene for DECADES and they still don’t have a vaccine for it…

  4. I swear most wokeistanis are fakers. I just shut the heck up when libtards at work start bitching about blumpf but I can tell my manager is a fake wokeistani. Well I guess the fact that he listens to Rogan kind of gives it away to anyone paying attention. Many such cases I’d say.

    I sometimes leave little tells like saying old screwl and oval orrifice but no one catches on. It’s like those meow gags.

    1. I love the quote
      “Trust takes years to build, seconds to break and forever to repair.”
      Fox News thought its viewers are low brow and tune in to be spoon fed whatever they decide to push.
      They didn’t look in the rear view mirror and failed to see News Max, OANN, War Room providing relevant NEWS.
      I deleted their app from my phone.
      Im keeping them on my dish until Jan 20 after Inauguration coverage where i hope to see them eat copious amounts of crow.

    1. I sincerely hope that’s untrue. The newcomers to America have always immigrated to work hard and pursue the American Dream. They may as well have stayed back where they came from if they couldn’t have had the chance to make a living in the Capitalist Free World. Communism doesn’t work.

      1. NR, I have said much the same thing as the zman article for many years now. I have watched as “diversity”, low intelligence and welfare immigrants have been allowed to overwhelm our societies and cultures in the US and Canada. They do not want to succeed by becoming part of something, they want something for nothing while remaining what they were. Those who do wish to assimilate as it were, are in the minority.

        1. AKA “gimmegrants”

          Segue – There is a very significant difference between voluntary cosmopolitanism and enforced multiculturalism.

      2. Nancy, this one is for ALL the MARBLES.
        If they can so blatantly steal an election as they did this one there is no point in ever having any more elections, period.

        Either Trump wins in court or it’s time to pull triggers.

        1. Trump doesn’t have to win in court, to WIN.

          All he needs is to prove multiple fraudulent election fckery in Penn (done) and at least 1 more state.
          GOP state legislatures.
          No one reaches 270 EC votes.
          Congress then picks POTUS.
          GOP holds the power there, 28-20, as defined by the Constitution.
          Welcome to your 2nd term Mr Trump.

          The Founding Fathers were amazingly adept at recognizing potential for conspiratorial fraud in the election process. This is the likely end game for Trump. He won’t give in, ever, and, Rudy is a street fighter. These leftist Demarxists are nothing compared to the Mafioso he put away years ago.

          A civil war may result, and would be unfortunate, but, it’s LONG overdue, the Demarxists and their Axis have been itching for this confrontation. Give it to them good and hard!

          It’s not fraud, it’s not stealing, it’s all legal and Constitutional.

          Then the purge of America begins, a necessary cleaning of the criminal filth of the DS, and Big IT/social networks.

          We live in INTERESTING TIMES.

      1. Many end up as civil servants. They’re fiercely loyal….. to the government, not the country or its citizens.

      2. Started by ASSHOLE #1
        The drip off his dick continuing in an Identical manner, but on steroids.

        God forbid, one questions mass migration of diversity… youre instantly labelled RACIST.

      1. No tiptoeing around.

        Lin Wood 6: China attacked us with Covid – a biological weapon.

        Covid was excuse to control our lifestyles.

        Dominion was Communist voting system used to control our election.

        Lin Wood 7: In 2020, Communist China materially interfered with our election. When investigated, that statement will be found to be the TRUTH.

  5. Check out the Republican Governor of S. Dakota Kristi Noem’s recent interview with Newsmax and compare her interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, that rude Clintonite from ABC.

    Wish the politicians weren’t so crazy here in Canada. We could use someone with her common sense. Her attitude proves just how Communist our post national nation of Canada is now.

    Watch Kristi Noem reacts to her back-and-forth with George Stephanopoulos:

    1. a full audit from coast to coast should be done and in light of all the fraud currently showing up I would suggest that no office changes hands until such audits are complete and thorough. The problem will be the millions of ballots that the democrats have destroyed by now . A new election with paper ballots only, manual counts done with people verifying from both sides, and voting in person only with proof of residence and citizenship. That would produce a landslide for Trump.

      1. The nationwide review can happen later, as the Demarxists and their local henchmen would do everything to delay, to their own benefit.
        For now, that is only necessary in Penn, MI, WI, MN, AZ and NV. That’s enough to expose the outright fraud.
        Once Trump WINS, then the deep reviews, proof, charges and death sentences can occur. There will be a purge, No More Mr Nice Guy

  6. Canada’s bought and paid for media are excited that China has congratulated China Joe on winning the election. Now here is the rest of the Canadian news this morning so you don’t have to spoil your breakfast. Obama is wonderful for writing a book trashing Trump. Trump is Hitler stories. Doug Ford is Hitler for not following orders from Blackie, and shutting down the province. Christians are running rampant in Ontario. China Joe and Blackie will save us from global warming, the virus, racism, and Nazis. Blackie is wonderful. Socialism is wonderful. Islam is wonderful. Indians need more money. Canadians are racist bastards.

    1. Thanks, sounds like a perfect summary to me. Heard one of them just yesterday (my wife lets our budgie listen to it all day and I occasionally catch snippets) say, “ex-President Donald Trump.” You can’t make this shit up.

      1. my wife lets our budgie listen to it all day

        Doesn’t that qualify as animal cruelty?

        Then again, budgies, parrots, parakeets, macaws, cockatoos, and cockatiels are likely too smart to be affected by that bilge. They may think when they see that stuff: “Silly humans.”

  7. The money quote from the “wokeness” cycle: ” It seems to better describe people who wish appear to care about such things, while in reality don’t put (out) any real effort.” That the SJW in a nutshell (word in bracket my addition). Like most narrative, it is about appearances only.

  8. Blackie’s CBC is excited that Great Leader will be unveiling his global warming legislation within the next few days.

  9. This is hardly a revelation. Even back in the sixties when I was a young soldier, many of my buddies would frequent peace rallies and demonstrations because “Hippie chicks’re easy”. Even their short GI haircuts were no problem because they were targets for ‘conversion’.

    1. He has found “the fountain of youth” in that he LOVES attending rallies and applying business principles to government employees – as in if you do not perform in your job, then “You’re Fired!”

        1. That’s vintage Beck like from his Fox News days on his own show. He’d go on like that for one hour or less, minus commercials, every weekday.

          He hates the Dems and the Puppet Master whom all Dems obey. At first he was pro Ted Cruz but finally was won over by DJT.

          Read his book “Broke.” (2010)
          He is very afraid of where America is going. Rightfully so.

  10. It’s from Bloomberg so treat with caution, but the article does provide some up-to-date facts on what is happening in the six battleground states:

    “President Donald Trump’s challenge to the 2020 election results runs through six battleground states, five of which he won in 2016. This time around, Democrat Joe Biden has five-digit vote leads in all six states with some counting continuing, including three where he leads by more than 35,000 votes in each.

    In order to reverse the results of last week’s vote and get the 270 electoral votes needed to win the White House, Trump would need to move at least three of those states into his column. He’s trying to achieve this through some combination of lawsuits and recounts that he hopes can flip the results.”

    1. NEVER trust anything the media states. It’s always partial truths, distortions, omissions and flat out lies.
      Rely on conservative media only. Instapundit is one of the best, American Thinker not bad, Gateway Pundit, tends to be a bit sensationalistic.
      Still better than any MSM outlet, TV or online, especially FAUX.

  11. when robet thinks he needs to put “language warning” up for adults, you know we maybe turning left. Hell, most peoiple in here would be shocked at many of my real world conversations:-)))


    While reading I hit upon the word: manichean. I was pretty sure but double-checked. It has a more complex meaning but this is what I was looking for which accorded with what I thought.

    One meaning in one online dictionary:
    Manicheans believed that the universe was dominated by two competing forces of good and evil, represented by light and darkness, respectively.

    Single example provided by another online dictionary:
    The most crucial feature of neoconservatism is its Manichean worldview, wherein the Earth is pitted in an urgent struggle between purely good and purely evil nations. As George W. Bush famously told then Sen. Joe Biden: ‘I don’t do nuance.'”

  13. Blacklock reports on a committee of China’s United Nations that is reporting that the “tar sands” in Alberta is destroying the environment and could be a human rights abuse situation.

  14. Dominion Voting Systems Corp is in full damage control mode.

    Okay, I agree with most. It would be financially suicidal for them to be involved. Future use of their products could result in riots by the citizens.
    However, they cannot control what happens to any product they sell nor can they guarantee that it cannot be compromised once it is delivered to the customer.
    If an unscrupulous person, whether he/she/it personally agreed to the software license or not, was hell bent on hacking (or reverse engineering) the programme, they will do it.

    1. Their “fact checkers” appear to be AP. And themselves.

      To the barricades, brothers and sisters!

  15. I read just a couple of the posts by “victims” of wokefishing from that Reddit link, and it was all I needed – absolutely side-splitting, check out this sample, emphasis mine:

    “It was only after we broke up I discovered – he doesn’t ‘believe in’ systematic racism. Or the pay gap. Or feminism. Or BLM.
    I almost fucking vomited.”

    You just can’t make this shit up! 😀

    1. Whoa. That is only ONE lawsuit. Its about the green button that was used to re-feed the ballot into the machine and was damaged
      There is the duplicate ballot suit where those damaged ballots were duplicated so the machine could read them. There are supposedly tens of thousands of Trump ballots that weren’t counted.
      The Arizona GOP has filed a lawsuit insisting that Arizona law is followed and there is accounting by precincts and not by voting centers.
      Also, Dominion systems were used ONLY in Maricopa county where 65% of the votes are based….
      You can hear it on War Room Ep 501 on Rumble. Go to 27:30
      Spotify has erased the War Room podcast.
