Category: Radioactive

French Troops Fire On Unarmed Civilians

No word on this from the mainstream media, as far as I can tell, but it’s burning up the internet.
Via LGF and Flea at the Shotgun
Video downloads available here. Read the Shotgun post first, though, so you are duly warned about the graphic nature of the film.
Freewillblog has a new, downsized version. Still around 15 megs, so dialup users like me are out of luck. His site is getting hit pretty hard though, so be patient if you can’t get through.

The Libranos – A New Wrinkle

New York Daily News

Alfonso Gagliano has held titles in Canada that include labor minister, deputy House leader, ambassador to Denmark and minister of public works.
In New York he held a different kind of title, according to secret FBI documents obtained by the Daily News: “made” member of the Bonanno crime family.
Gagliano was identified as a longtime soldier in the Bonanno crime family by Frank Lino, a former Mafia capo-turned-informer.
Lino is now cooperating with the FBI and federal prosecutors as they slowly take apart the mob family to which he once swore allegiance.
Gagliano’s name surfaced as Lino described the Bonanno family’s operations in Montreal, which has served as an outpost for the Brooklyn-based group for decades.
He said he and a group of top Bonanno gangsters traveled to Montreal in the 1990s to let the northern branch office know the family had a new boss, Joseph Massino.
The group met at a catering hall, and during the meeting, a Bonanno gangster, Joseph Lopresti, introduced Gagliano to Lino as a made man in the family, FBI documents state.
Lino made a point of telling the FBI that only actual members of the Bonanno family were allowed to attend the meeting at the catering hall. Associates were banned.
Gagliano attorney Pierre Fournier did not return calls seeking comment yesterday.
For years, Gagliano was a fixture in Canada’s national politics, rising through the ranks of the Liberal Party.
But his most powerful position was undoubtedly Canada’s minister of public works and government services, the office that oversees the Canadian mint and awards most of Canada’s government contracts.
In that capacity, Gagliano found himself embroiled in a growing scandal over potential corruption in the awarding of contracts for government advertising.
In February, he was dismissed as ambassador.
There is an ongoing investigation into allegations that government funds were funneled to large contributors to the Liberal Party for no-work contracts.
Lino was shown an array of photographs and identified Gagliano, the FBI documents state.
When he began cooperating with the FBI, Lino admitted he was involved in six murders, several attempted murders, loansharking, extortion and gambling.

Libranos flashback….
update Western Standard staff writer, Kevin Steel has written to the Daily News asking if any Canadian news agency has asked for copies of the FBI documents. Heh.

Attention Freedom Of Religion: Lubricate Liberally

… and prepare for the slide.
Ont. minister urges Muslims to stay in gay-ed classes

Controversy erupted after students at Market Lane Public School were shown videos that depicted the feelings of children who get taunted at school because their own parents are homosexuals.
Angry Muslim parents complained that their religious beliefs were getting less respect from the board than gay rights and demanded that their children be excluded on religious grounds from similar presentations in the future.
The board rejected their request Tuesday night on the grounds that allowing some students to be excluded from discussions about gay families would violate the rights of those children with same-sex parents.

Still clinging to the lie assurance that churches won’t be forced to perform same-sex marriages?

Ontario’s New Democrats echoed the government’s position.
“I believe that human rights come above religious rights,” said NDP critic Michael Prue.

The Charter of Rights and Freedoms lists freedom of religion as a “fundamental right”. Further down, under “equality rights” we have this:

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

Contrary to popular belief, the word “orientation” does not actually appear in the document.

UNScam Updates

The figures for the UN Oil-For-Food rip-off scheme have been revised from the previous 10 – 11 billion estimates. Doubled, actually.
William Safire at the NYT (registration may be necessary).

Annan’s obstruction of outside investigations has strong support within the U.N. members whose citizens are most likely to be embarrassed by revelations of payoffs: Russia, France and China lead all the rest. He has dutifully continued to align himself with their interests by declaring the overthrow of Saddam “illegal” and recently denouncing our attack on the insurgents in Falluja. Perhaps he thinks that this confluence of national interest in cover-up – along with the unwillingness of most media to dig into a complicated story – will let his stonewalling succeed. He reckons not with an insulted Congress.

Via Powerline, this Chicago Sun-Times column by Robert Novak on the upcoming showdown:

Coleman said this week’s hearings will show that ”the scope of the ripoff” at the U.N. is substantially more than the widely reported $10 billion to $11 billion in graft. But more than money is involved. These hearings also should expose the arrogance of the secretary-general and his bureaucracy. At the same time that he has refused to honor the Senate committee’s request for documents, Annan has inveighed against the Fallujah offensive sanctioned by the new Iraqi government while ignoring the terrorism of insurgents. This is an unprecedented showdown between a branch of the U.S. government and the U.N.
The scandal is not complicated. Money from Iraqi oil sales permitted by the Saddam Hussein regime under U.N. auspices, supposedly to provide food for Iraqis, was siphoned off to middlemen. Billions intended to purchase food wound up in Saddam’s hands for the purpose of buying conventional weapons. The complicity of U.N. member states France and Russia is pointed to by the Senate investigation. The web of corruption deepened when it was revealed that Annan’s son, Kojo, was on the payroll of a contractor in the oil- for-food program.
The reaction by the U.N. bureaucracy has been an intransigent defense of its stone wall. Edward Mortimer, Annan’s director of communications, publicly sneered at the Coleman-Levin letter as ”very awkward and troubling.” Privately, Annan’s aides told reporters that they were not about to hand over confidential documents to the Russian Duma and every other parliamentary body in the world.
But the U.S. Senate is not the Russian Duma. These are not just a few right- wing voices in the wilderness who are confronting Kofi Annan. ”In seeing what is happening at the U.N.,” Coleman told me, ”I am more troubled today than ever. I see a sinkhole of corruption.” The United Nations and its secretary-general are in a world of trouble.

Stay tuned.

UN: Attempting To Influence US Election?

Via Powerline; Clifford May connects the dots behind the New York Time’s crumbling story about “missing bomb material” in Iraq.

The United Nations is already embroiled in the largest economic scam in world history: the multibillion dollar Oil-for-Food scandal. Now there is reason to ask whether a senior U.N., official also has attempted to influence an American election by spreading misleading information.
Here’s one theory: It was Mohammed ElBaradei, the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Why would he do that? “The U.S. is trying to deny ElBaradei a second term,” a high U.S. government official told me. “We have been on his case for missing the Libyan nuclear weapons program and for weakness on the Iranian nuclear weapons program.”
ElBaradei also opposed the liberation of Iraq. And he would like nothing better than to see President Bush be defeated next week.
If all this is true it would amount to a major scandal: It would mean that a senior U.N. official may be changing the outcome of an American election by spreading false information. And major U.S. media outlets are allowing themselves to be manipulated in pursuit of that goal.
The Times and other news organizations also have ignored this pertinent question: Why did Saddam Hussein have the kinds of explosives favored by terrorists � and why was he permitted to keep them? Such explosives, according to the Times, also “are used in standard nuclear weapons design,” and were acquired by Saddam when he “embarked on a crash effort to build an atomic bomb in the late 1980s.”
Writing in The Corner, former federal terrorism prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy pointed out that U.N. Security Council Resolution 687, which imposed the terms of 1991 Gulf War ceasefire, required Iraq to “unconditionally accept the destruction, removal, or rendering harmless, under international supervision, of . . . [a]ll ballistic missiles with a range greater than 150 kilometres and related major parts, and repair and production facilities[.]”
Yet the IAEA made no attempt to force Saddam to comply with his obligations to destroy these “related major parts” of its ballistic missiles.
In addition, McCarthy noted, Iraq was required “not to acquire or develop nuclear weapons or nuclear-weapons-usable material or any subsystems or components[,]” and, to the extent it had such items, present them for “urgent on-site inspection and the destruction, removal or rendering harmless as appropriate of all items specified above.”
It shouldn’t require a rocket scientist to understand that a detonator is a key component of a nuclear bomb. But according to the Times, Saddam persuaded ElBaradei that he wanted to hold on to the explosives in case they were needed “for eventual use in mining and civilian construction” – and ElBaradai agreed.

May asks good questions. It makes one wonder why the Times didn’t ask them.

Hanoi John

A buzz has been running through the blogosphere since last night about this story.

The communist regime in Hanoi monitored closely and looked favorably upon the activities of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War during the period Senator Kerry served most actively as the group’s spokesman and a member of its executive committee, two captured Viet Cong documents suggest.
The documents – one dubbed a “circular” and the other a “directive” – were captured in 1971 and are part of a trove of material from the war currently stored at the Vietnam Archive at Texas Tech University at Lubbock. Originally organized by Douglas Pike, a major scholar who is now deceased, the archive contains more than 20 million documents. Many are available online at the Virtual Vietnam Archive and, as the election has heated up, have been the focus of a scramble for insights into Mr. Kerry’s anti-war activities. The Circular and the Directive are listed as items numbered 2150901039b and 2150901041 respectively. Their authenticity was confirmed by Stephen Maxner, archivist at the Vietnam Archive.

My first reaction to this story? Well, duh.

… more than 350 Americans secretly worked for Soviet intelligence during World War II — when the United States and the Soviet Union were allies. A number of them served in very high positions in the U.S. government. Harry Dexter White was assistant secretary of the Treasury and played a key role in creating the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, pillars of the postwar world monetary structure. Lauchlin Currie was one of a half-dozen special assistants to President Franklin Roosevelt. Laurence Duggan was in charge of U.S. relations with Latin America.

The Venona story.
If Soviet communists could be this successful at infiltrating the highest levels of the US government, how difficult do you think it would be to influence Vietnam protest groups? One could hardly consider their goals to be in conflict.

Just Another Tile In The Canadian Mosaic

Excerpts from recorded lectures given by Sheik Younus Kathrada;

“We know what happened over the last week and how the brothers of the monkeys and the swine assassinated and murdered one of the heroes of Islam, the Salah al-Din of this day and age, Ahmed Yassin.
“Once again they’ve shown their treachery; once again they’ve shown that they are cowards and that they cannot be trusted.”
“The prophet . . . said the final hour will not be established until such time as the Muslims will battle and will fight against the Jews.
“Then what will happen? Listen to the good news after that. The prophet . . . says that the stone and the tree will say ‘oh Muslim, oh slave of Allah, that verily behind me is a Jew. Then come and kill him.’ . . . It is not meant to be understood metaphorically but rather literally.
“Unfortunately we hear too many people saying we must build bridges with them. No. They understand one language. It is the language of the sword and it is the only language they understand.”
“When the Muslims have a leader, when the Muslims have the strength and the ability to take on an enemy, then absolutely they call the other nations towards Islam. Should they reject the message then they will declare war upon them.
“That is what we know as the offensive jihad. There is a good reason for that. It is in order to establish security on this earth. It is so that the word of Allah will be the superior word.”
“I mentioned to you a while ago that it should be all of our intentions that one day we be martyred. If it is not I say revise yourself. Look deep into your heart because there is some hypocrisy in it.
“It is inconceivable that a true believer will not desire martyrdom.”

… leader of the Dar al-Madinah Islamic Society of Vancouver.
Update – Peaktalk has a related post.

Iran Rejects European Offer Of Nuclear Fuel

Europe is no better at selling uranium to Iran than John Kerry is.

In order to defend its ability to enrich Uranium beyond the requirement of civilian needs, Iran makes several arguments:

  • Uranium enrichment is a legitimate right that is reserved to every NPT member state.
  • Denial of Iran’s right by the international community or the surrendering of this right by Iran is a detriment to Iran’s national interests.
  • Iran has cooperated fully and transparently with the IAEA. [4]
  • Preventing Iran from enriching Uranium is part of an anti-Iranian scheme by the U.S. and its followers.
  • Europe has failed to meet its obligations to provide Iran with advanced nuclear technology and to close the investigation file against Iran’s nuclear activities by the IAEA in return for a voluntary and temporary halt of enrichment activities, as was agreed in the ‘Tehran and Brussels understandings.’ [5]
  • The Western countries retain a Monopoly on nuclear technology and see Iran as a nuclear fuel export market, thus trying to coerce it to buy fuel from them.
  • It is cheaper for Iran to produce nuclear fuel than to import it from the West.
  • How the fuck is Iran supposed to destroy the Zionist state without it?
  • Iranian officials did not close the door, however, suggesting that they may be willing to negotiate with 2002 Nobel Peace Prize winner Jimmy Carter.

    Measuring Success

    With the voting over in the first presidential election in the history of Afghanistan, the media is virtually unanimous in declaring failure. Google News search results tell the story.

    Results 1 – 10 of about 720 for afghan election fraud.

    Jeff Jarvis is confused and dismayed at the negativity. One can only conclude he’s been hiding under a rock for the past three years.
    So I tried a few others….

    Your search – “Afghan voters killed in blast” – did not match any documents.
    Your search – Afghan “polling station blast” – did not match any documents.
    Your search – Afghan “polling station violence” – did not match any documents.

    Reuters couldn’t even dig one up, though they did record a possible interception.

    Results 1 – 1 of about 1 for afghan voters-killed. (0.10 seconds)

    Afghans turned out in “massive” numbers for the nation’s first direct presidential election, a United Nations spokesman said.
    “We don’t have numbers have yet, but there was a massive amount of voters and a great deal of enthusiasm,” Manoel de Almeida e Silva said by telephone from Kabul, the Afghan capital. A preliminary count may be ready within two days, and a total count may take up to three weeks, he said.
    There were no reports of voters killed or injured, U.S. Maj. Scott Nelson, spokesman for the Combined Forces Command, said by telephone from Kabul. There was a report of an ambush in Uruzgan province by suspected Taliban militants that left three police officers dead, he said.

    I call that a success. And so would the New York Times, WaPo, the LA Tmes and every other major media outlet in North America had it happened with a Democrat in the White House. Get with the program, Jeff!

    Style Weapons

    I didn’t hear the full debate – I caught bits and pieces over the radio via am border stations, by virtue of a very cold night and the extended wavelength it grants. Bits and pieces, because the reception was uneven, switching back and forth between stations (in my truck, then at home) as the signal waxed and waned.
    Because I had no visuals to distract from the actual content, I didn’t conclude that Kerry had won the debate. I didn’t know it was a game, so I didn’t keep score. I was listening – not watching facial expressions, or counting the seconds of pause or wondering what was in the notes I didn’t know Kerry was writing. I was just listening to the words.
    Little of what I heard surprised me. I’ve been following the candidates too closely over the past couple of months for that. I heard portions from both that I knew were scripted, framed with the expected “talking points”. It was all relatively predictable.
    Except for this. I was in the truck, and I remember sitting up straight in my seat and looking at the radio in disbelief. I couldn’t believe what I had just heard. Hugh Hewitt can’t believe it either and he’s inviting further commentary. And like me, he’s not so sure that Kerry won this debate. No one is talking at all about the content of Bush’s remarks. It’s all about delivery. Kerry had “better style”. Smooth and polished. “On the offensive”.
    Now that a couple of days have passed, the discussion is moving to the details of Kerry’s statements, the contradictions and factual errors – the things I noticed at the time because reception was sketchy and I was trying hard to listen. The questions are coming from unfamiliar and usually friendly places.
    Style mattered in the post Cold War decades, when Clinton debated Bush, when Dole debated Clinton. Smooth delivery and facial expression and reaction mattered when Bush debated Gore (*sigh*). Style got you before the camera, a night in the Lincoln bedroom, invited to the important parties. Average Americans in peacetime focused on fashion, on affluence, on upward mobility, and when those things are important, style is important.
    Then, Islamic terrorists flew three commercial jets into the heart of the free world. And they scored style points, huge style points, style points to end all style points…. even if the actual substance of the attack boiled down to taking advantage of a few sleepy security screeners and an uncomprehending crew. They framed their argument in spectacular, riveting, technicolor style. Wow. People sat up and paid attention. It was “just like a movie”.
    Yet, even before the morning ended, the substantive weakness was realized. Without camera coverage, or eloquence, or focus groups to poll, the last intended victims – ordinary citizens – interrupted the message, ovewhelmed what little substance there was, and slammed it into the dirt in a field in Pennsylvania. The era of “style over substance” felt the impact.
    John Kerry didn’t.

    “the United States is pursuing a new set of nuclear weapons.�It doesn’t make sense.

    Nuclear weapons are substance. They may represent the very epitome of substance. No one has ever had to debate the finality and deadly effectiveness of a nuclear weapon to enhance its military authority.
    Caught in the tortured convolution of his logic centers, Kerry doesn’t comprehend this.

    “You talk about mixed messages.”

    Nuclear weapons as “messages”?
    John Kerry would be commander in chief of the most powerful military the world has ever known. He will defend his nation with resolve and dedicate himself to winning the war against Islamic terrorism.

    “We’re telling other people, “You can’t have nuclear weapons,” but we’re pursuing a new nuclear weapon…”

    He pledges that he will support the military with all the resources required to get the job done. He has the experience, has the means, he has the will to achieve victory.

    ” that we might even contemplate using.

    Just let him be very clear with the enemies of the United States about one important principle – that there are some weapons that the President only keeps around for show.

    Echoes Of Rwanda

    Toronto Star;

    “It makes me sick,” Dallaire said yesterday in an interview. “It burns inside and the sentiments or the feelings that I had of abandonment in Rwanda are exactly the same that I feel today in regards to the Sudan.”

    Of course they are.

    “I am just disgusted with the lame and obtuse responses coming from Canada and the Western world..”

    Same actors, same play.

    Oriana Fallaci Interviews Oriana Fallaci

    Italian journalist and former war correspondant Oriana Fallaci’s new book Oriana Fallaci Interviews Oriana Fallaci which warns of an Arab invasion of Europe and criticises authorities for allowing it to become ‘a colony of Islam’, has sold 500,000 copies of in a single day. They have begun reprinting a second edition.
    The Belmont Club notices the kneejerk reaction that the work is evidence of racism.

    Instead of meeting these serious accusations head on, the Left declares the
    entire argument malformed, haram, taboo, inappropriate and therefore inadmissible. Fallaci’s propositions are never allowed to evaluate to a definite value; they must remain, on pain of breaking the world, forever null. Like the old jailhouse story of prisoners being forced to drink out an unflushed toilet unless they confessed, where one prisoner complains that his rights are being violated because there’s a fly in it, these newspaper responses miss the point by such a margin that one suspects they are on another planet; in a universe where Islam can never, like Christianity before it, consist of humans struggling to reform their faith. That would grant unacceptable equality to those who are fated to play the role of victims. In that twilight, blinkered world, Darfur, Kashmir, Ambon, Mindanao, Nigeria, Madrid and 9/11 disappear entirely while mock horror at racism fills every available space. And the toilet is fine but for the fly.

    Swift Boat Vets Fire Back

    Glenn Reynolds highlights this Kerry memory hiccup.

    The Swift Boat Vets:

    In reality, Kerry was at Sa Dec – – easily locatable on any map more than fifty miles from Cambodia. Kerry himself inadvertently admits that he was in Sa Dec for Christmas Eve and Christmas and not in Cambodia, as he had stated for so many years on the Senate Floor, in the newspapers, and elsewhere. Exhibit 27, Tour, pp. 213- 219. Sa Dec is hardly “close” to the Cambodian border. In reality, far from being ordered secretly to Cambodia, Kerry spent a pleasant night at Sa Dec with “visions of sugar plums” dancing in his head. Exhibit 27, p. 219. At Sa Dec where the Swift boat patrol area ended, there were many miles of other boats (PBR’s) leading to the Cambodian border. There were also gunboats on the border to prevent any crossing. If Kerry tried to get through, he would have been arrested. Obviously, Kerry has hardly been honest about his service in Vietnam.

    These guys aren’t caving to the threats of suit from the Kerry campaign – read the rest at the Captain’s Quarters.
    Powerline Blog highlights another much-discussed problem with Kerry’s story;

    Richard Nixon was not the President in December 1968. Lyndon Johnson was. It is simply incredible to me that for many years, reporters have mindlessly repeated this obviously false story without, apparently, noticing that it couldn’t possibly be true.

    And these observations as well:

    The facts that the Swift Vets are prepared to prove are nuclear, far worse than one would assume from reading general newspaper coverage of the controversy. It is not enough to say that the Vets’ evidence shows Kerry to be a liar. That is an understatement. In my opinion, they show Kerry to be a sick, deeply delusional man whose tenuous connection to reality would make a Kerry presidency an unacceptable danger to our country.
    One of the Swift Boat Vets has said that he and his colleagues–who represent nearly all of the surviving veterans who served with Kerry in Vietnam–feel that they have been called to serve their country a second time. The veterans’ problem, of course, is that they don’t have any money. While borderline-criminal multi-billionaires like George Soros and spoiled entertainers like Ben Affleck have the Democrats’ coffers overflowing with tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of dollars, the veterans have been able to raise only a pitiful $150,000– most of it from a single home-builder in Houston, who has been slandered for his efforts.

    Update – Aug.27 – The entire text of John Kerry’s out of print book “The New Soldier”, as well as links to free chapters from “Unfit For Duty” can be found here

    Patiently Waiting

    The same press that peppered the news with questions and allegations about George Bush’s record in the National Guard are surprisingly unsurprisingly sluggish in picking up on what John Kerry’s swift boat comrades have to say about his self-promoted Vietnam heroism. The story has been circulating on the blogosphere for months (I mentioned it in May) , Drudge has been headlining it for days – but still no search hits on the CNN website.

    Swift Boat Veterans for Truth has been formed to counter the false “war crimes” charges John Kerry repeatedly made against Vietnam veterans who served in our units and elsewhere, and to accurately portray Kerry’s brief tour in Vietnam as a junior grade Lieutenant. We speak from personal experience — our group includes men who served beside Kerry in combat as well as his commanders. Though we come from different backgrounds and hold varying political opinions, we agree on one thing: John Kerry misrepresented his record and ours in Vietnam and therefore exhibits serious flaws in character and lacks the potential to lead.
    We regret the need to do this. Most Swift boat veterans would like nothing better than to support one of our own for America’s highest office, regardless of whether he was running as a Democrat or a Republican. However, Kerry’s phony war crimes charges, his exaggerated claims about his own service in Vietnam, and his deliberate misrepresentation of the nature and effectiveness of Swift boat operations compels us to step forward.
    For more than thirty years, most Vietnam veterans kept silent as we were maligned as misfits, addicts, and baby killers. Now that a key creator of that poisonous image is seeking the Presidency we have resolved to end our silence.

    Stay tuned.
    Or, maybe do your own tuning. When the time comes that they can no longer ignore it (ads begin appearing today in the US) the pro-Democrat media is going to work overtime to buffer this story in anti-Bush spin.
    update = Let the games begin. Kerry campaign threatens to sue stations who air the ad.

    The Iranian Threat

    Further to this, David Warren at the Ottawa Citizen:

    With the sort of arrogance made visible even to Canadians in the recent “trial” of suspects in the murder of Zahra Kazemi, the regime’s officials from Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei down have been making bellicose declarations against America, Israel, and the West generally.
    “Today we have in our possession long-range smart missiles which can reach many of the interests and vital resources of the Americans and of the Zionist regime in our region,” writes Yadollah Javani, political head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards in the daily Kayhan, which has become the Iranian “Pravda”.
    General Javani was echoing remarks made by Ayatollah Khamenei in Hamadan a week earlier, in more Koranic language. “The entire Islamic Middle East is now a volatile and tangled trap, and will be set off by the smallest bit of silliness,” Javani declares. “Indeed, the White House’s 80 years of exclusive rule are likely to become 80 seconds of Hell.”
    Translations on the excellent MEMRI website (see Internet) flesh out such threats. Recent announcements include: the recruitment and training of thousands of Iranian volunteers for suicide attacks against U.S. and other targets in Iraq; the resumption of work on Iran’s long-range Shihab 4 and 5 missiles, capable of reaching targets in Europe and the U.S.; and references to a “master plan” to eliminate “Anglo-Saxon civilization” with missiles and martyrdom, mentioning “29 sensitive targets”.
    These threats are not uttered from a cave in the Hindu Kush. They are official Iranian state announcements. The ability of the Western media to ignore them is astounding.

    Just a question… how much airtime over the past 6 months do you suppose has been devoted in the national news airwaves to the current NHL player-owner stalemate by CTV and CBC? To Todd Bertuzzi? How many man hours spent bringing us stories about former figureskaters turned boxers? To stupid pet tricks and the threats of sun exposure and uncooked meat?
    What are we going to say about the seriousness of our press, when the day comes that a major metropolitan area is laid waste, and we know more about obese film makers than we do the formally sworn enemies of our civilization?
    Hat tip – Occam’s Toothbrush
