Would Canada’s Real Conservative Party Please Stand Up

Canada’s 375,000 federal public employees now make, on average, $114,000 in salary & benefits. This amount is expected to rise to $129,800 in the next 3 years.
The report which revealed these figures was released by the Parliamentary Budget Officer. It also stated the following:

“Total compensation (per full-time employee) in the federal workforce outpaced not only CPI (inflation), but also that of the Canadian business sector and provinces and territories over the study period.”

Greg Thomas, of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, discusses these outrageous revelations.

We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Mirrors

This is odd…

[Rita Van Geffen] tapped her retirement nest egg to build her ground-mounted solar project, spending just over $100,000.
The Ontario Power Authority had conditionally approved their projects in 2010, but they were later rejected by the local utility, provincially owned Hydro One. As a result of these and numerous other cases, the province revised rules in December, 2010, no longer issuing conditional offers before a grid connection was secured.
“I believe in green energy and I thought it was a safe investment,” said Ms. Van Geffen, 63, a former sheep farmer. With the legislature prorogued and the governing Liberals searching for a new party leader, she is worried a resolution will be delayed further.
“It’s been two-and-a-half years since I started this,” she noted. “I just want to get out. I just want to get my money out and put it into something else.”

You’d think she’d know a sheep when she sees one.
Related: Why Everyone Is Losing Hope For Green Energy
h/t North_of_60

An Open Letter To MSM On The Occasion Of The British Nurse’s “Death By DJ”

You sons of bitches in media – from the local to the mainstream – snickered along with glee as you retailed the Australian DJ hoax call to a world-wide audience.
Without your intervention and amplification, the incident would have died on the local airwaves. It was not “their” hoax call, it was yours as well. Own it.
Now, if you would, take the sober, sanctimonious noises you’ve been making and shove ’em where the sun don’t shine.
That is all.
