Western Alienation, Pt II

I had to do some finishing work on a Harley tank today, and was unable to catch all of the John Gormley Show interview with Prime Minister Paul Martin. I did listen to the first half on the drive to town, and now I’m catching a repeat broadcast. The calls were varied and the questions well considered.
Martin seemed to acquit himself well enough when it came to general presentation, though the outrage and earnestness he’s trying to convey is beginning to sound a little forced. – “unacceptable, unfathomable … not going to stand for it … going to get to the bottom of it … the old way doesn’t work” …After all, Adscam has been going on 11 days, and it’s hardly news – the Auditor General first reported on the fundamentals of the scandal in 2002.
But in substance, there seemed to be a disconnect on matters “Western”. Questions about the deepening crisis in the cattle industry over BSE resulted in sober expressions of concern about streamlining agriculture relief programs, and assurances that he had discussed this with President Bush in Mexico and had been using “maximum pressure to get those borders open” (cold comfort that) – but nothing new. I know some hearts sank. If there was anything dramatic coming down the chute, one would think he’d have chosen this swing through the province for an announcement.
But the question everyone was waiting for elicited a wobbly response that confirmed that while he may think he sounds sincere about the problem of western alienation … he does not yet get it.

Members of the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation gathered outside the radio station.
People held a sign reading Remember the Firearms Registry When you Vote.
A caller named Brian from Regina voiced his concerns over the gun registry.
“I’m one of those typical alienated western rednecks. I own guns. I hunt and I trap. Could you please tell western Canada why Canada is safer now that your $2-billion government program knows about my guns,” he said.

The rage that simmers in the west over the indefensibly stupid and unworkable gun registry is not registering with him. Martin made this clear. He mumbled something about the Association of Police Chiefs being in favour of it and being in favour of reviewing it. He mentioned that rural eastern Canadians were also against gun control, as though that diffused the “anti-Western” bias of the legislation. Ah… best not do that, Paul.
In a country where federal laws dictate a farmer in Saskatchewan can have property seized and serve jail time for selling wheat to the same customer that a wheat farmer in Ontario is free to do business with at twice the price…. best not to invoke nonexistant solidarity. Best not to mention it at all.
What he does not “get” is the depth of resentment about the condescension and dismissiveness that has characterized federal (read: central Canadian) attitudes towards Western culture and identity. The $2 million $1 billion $2 billion gun registry that makes my possession of a 65 year old, unregistered ..22 calibre gopher rifle a criminal offence, has become a symbol for this resentment in a way that no other ever has.
Adding injury to insult, when asked about private First Nations MRI clinics and Alberta premier Ralph Klein’s announcement yesterday that his province may withdraw from the Canada Health Act because of dissatisfaction with federal cost sharing, Martin strenuously defended universal health care, and stressed that those who await medical diagnosis (22 months for an MRI in this province) should “you should not be able to buy yourself better health care” to “jump the cue”. Ouch.
In afternoon discussion, Gormley and the other talking heads of the station chatted about the security arrangements and revealed that the studio was crammed with 9 TV cameras during the hour long phone in.
Tyler McMurchy related the most telling anecdote. He returned to his desk to find a voice message from a Toronto Star reporter, “mystified” that the sponsorship scandal had been largely ignored. They asked if the station had intentionally screened callers by topic, to swing the discussion to western issues.
No, they hadn’t.
No wonder we feel alienated.
