We Were Decieved!

The country is in shock, I tell you. Our own Poster Family for Multiculturalism has admitted
“we are an al-Qaeda family”.

Ahmed Said Khadr and his family first came to national attention in 1996, when then Prime Minister Jean Chretien intervened on his behalf to gain his release from Pakistan, where he was being held on suspicion of financing the bombing of the Egyptian Embassy in Islamabad.
He and a son were killed, and a second paralyzed, in a raid on an Al Queda camp on the Afghan-Pakistan border last year. Another son is in US custody at Gitmo. The admission came by way of a fifth, Abdullah Khadr, who was recently released and made his way back to Canada. Of course.
CBC news interviewed the remaining family members for a documentary.
Now, could someone please shoot the mother, before she gets another chance to reproduce?

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