Spring Cleaning

I’ve been busy today trying to untangle the complications of trying to get my dog to Brazil with me, on the same aircraft, and for less than my own ticket…. but had enough time to check out the regulars, and read my comments section.
For Willie – some much needed historical perspective. The Price of Freedom in Iraq at Outside The Beltway.
For Canadian readers, meet fellow Saskatchewan blogger, Theresa Zolner, and learn about how best juggle your choices on a preferencial ballot to your prefered candidate’s advantage. Tomorrow the Conservative Party of Canada chooses a leader.
By way of Drudge .. another scandal at a major media outlet – USA Today reveals Pulitzer Prize winning reporter Jack Kelley has been fabricating stories. For years.
And for your landscaping problems, John Kerry’s your man. All this and Vietnam, too.
And most importantly – Murray Wood on 650 CKOM radio just recieved his first report of a gopher sighting! It is spring! Time to go dust off the .22

2 Replies to “Spring Cleaning”

  1. That brings back memories of Aunt Myrt – the gophers greatest enemy. Do you have any pictures of her with her gun?

  2. No. But I have memories of her and Florence out shooting at them. I was really young – maybe 4?
    I believe she was better with binder twine.
