Glenn Reynolds Is Back

After a brief hiatus, Reynolds is making up for it with a blogging binge, even by his prolific standards. As usual some good links provided – but this from his reader mail caught my eye. It illustrates why the blogosphere has taken off as a source for news and opinion for those of us who have been complaining of the uneven coverage and spin of news reporting.

“I realize you generally assume that the vast majority of reporters are praying to their pagan gods for our failure in Iraq and the war against terrorism (I am not one of them), and are now crafting their stories to reflect and facilitate such a thing. While I think you are dead wrong on this, I have to admit I was taken aback by a conversation I had recently with a colleague.
I work as a freelancer for a major national publication, and was talking to my editor as we were closing a piece last week. It was Thursday, and the reports were coming out of Pakistan that we might have Ayman al-Zawahiri surrounded. I passed this news on to the editor, who was crestfallen: “Oh, no. I don’t want anything good to happen for Bush before the election,” was the reaction (P.S., this editor does not edit foreign or political stories).
It was a sickening moment. This is a man responsible for thousands of American deaths. So while I have no desire to see Bush re-elected, and I disagree with our attack on Iraq, to hope for our failure in capturing one of the deadliest people in the world is a moral blindspot.”

Question is, how could someone in the profession be so unaware of the fact that there is a problem of anti-Republican/conservative bias in the media, when we news end-users figured it out during the Reagan administration?

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