Spain Adopts Canadian Foreign Policy

New York Times

In a move that might help muffle criticism of a Socialist pledge to pull troops out of Iraq, Spain’s incoming prime minister is considering increasing the number of Spanish soldiers guarding the fragile peace in Afghanistan, sources in his party said today.
Less than two weeks after the deadly train bombings in Madrid, the incoming prime minister, Jos� Luis Rodr�guez Zapatero, wants to signal his commitment to fight terrorism and show the United States that Spain remains a loyal ally, said one of the sources, a high- ranking party official who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
He added that the new government wants “to send a message that the Socialists do not believe in appeasement.”
Since Mr. Zapatero’s election victory on March 14, he has faced two tasks: responding to overwhelming opposition to the American- led war in Iraq among his backers and staying on the good side of the United States administration as its seeks international cooperation in its war on terror.
Mr. Zapatero has confirmed a campaign pledge to pull Spain’s 1,300 troops out of Iraq unless the United Nations assumes greater control by June 30. Critics, notably in the United States, accused Mr. Zapatero of handing a victory to terrorists.

Well, to be fair, Zapatero had Spanish troop withdrawal on the table prior to the bombings – which cast his pledge in a new light, transforming a foreign policy position into a surrender. The decision was made by the Spanish electorate. Rock, hard place?
If there is palatable solution for the political dilemma, I suppose this is a defensible one. Though, the blustering rhetoric he indulged in after the election doesn’t incline one to think he realized a dilemma existed. Maybe it hadn’t quite sunk in.

The party official close to Mr. Zapatero said the war in Iraq might have made the world a less secure place.
“Our disagreements are not with the United States itself, but with a specific doctrine of preventative strike, which we believe creates more insecurity in the world,” he said.

I guess this means Spain won’t be having any 3-11 commission.

4 Replies to “Spain Adopts Canadian Foreign Policy”

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