Tommy Douglas Lives!

Having suffered a trip up along the yellow brick road of social engineering, the NDP government was greeted with good news this morning – the Supreme Court Of Canada will hear the “Shower Curtain Case”.
What is the Shower Curtain Case? Well, mindful that children might see cigarettes for sale in convenience stores, and suffer an irresistable compulsion to crawl over the counter and inhale the things whole, the Saskatchewan government decided this would not do and enacted legislation that compels retailers to cover their displays of cigarettes with a curtain or door in any establishment that serves customers under 18 years of age.
The law was challenged and struck down. Not to be deterred, the Saskatchewan Health Department decided this was worthy of a Supreme Court hearing.
This is same department that announced two days ago that they are “working towards” reducing surgical waiting lists to 18 months. It’s a goal, mind you. May take two years to get there.
Yesterday, the Saskatchewan Government announced yet another ad campaign this one amounts to $75,000 worth of public whining about federal transfer payments. They’re going broke, running a half billion dollar deficit. In a few days, they bring down a budget – tax increases and civil service cuts are expected.
The ad campaign will run in Saskatchewan, of course. To remind us it isn’t their fault.
Our taxdollars at work.

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