Good Intentions

A friend who was serving on the USS Nimitz last year related a story today. Before being allowed on shore in Singapore, they were convened and advised of the consequences of poor behavior – Singapore’s intolerance of even minor crimes (singing in public, for example) is legendary.
With this caution in mind, sailors in a hotel bar noticed someone they thought was a tech support guy from the ship, completely enebriated and close to causing trouble. To save him from himself, they tried to escort him quietly back to the ship, but he resisted, and the situation deteriorated. A broken beer bottle and bloodied scalp later, military police arrived on the scene, and the drunk was handcuffed, thrown on a stretcher, and carried back on board.
The drunk continued to be disruptive, and was giving medical personel a difficult time, when someone thought to check his identity.
They’d kidnapped an American tourist.

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