Kevlar Clubs

Jeff Goldstein contends that Canadian prisons have been “Oprah-fied”.
Does Oprah really golf? Ron Wiebe – Warden, Ferndale Institution

The golf course that we built at Ferndale has become a focal point for criticism, if people need a target. It became a major feature for those who wanted to highlight the issue about attractiveness and comfort.

The other major criticism came when we began exploring the possibility of opening up a driving range. There was support from the people in Mission, but not a lot of support from one of the driving-range operators in Abbotsford.

He also has interesting things to say about the “politics of escape”. They’re missing a couple of suspected murderers, but as time passes, it looks like they won’t be charged, so – no harm, no foul!

3 Replies to “Kevlar Clubs”

  1. Hey, don’t blame me! If were up to me, our penal institutions would consist of chain link cages at Frobisher Bay.

  2. I’ve got an idea for dealing with prisoners that would guarantee a zero percent recidivism rate:
    Soylent Green
