Condi Rice Testimony

Condi Rice’s opening statement is here.
(CTV is running their usual morning show, talking movie reviews at the moment. CBC has cartoons on. CKOM talkradio is interviewing someone about the Masters.)
Michelle at the Command Post is blogging the Q&A session live.
If there has been any doubt about the partisanship involved in the 911 commission, note this comment from Michelle about Bob Kerrey’s [D] questioning… about the Cole bombing.

“I’m trying very hard not to interject opinion into this, but Kerrey has some pair to try to blame the Bush admin for not responding to the Cole bombing. Like this guy, I notice that Condi did not retort by brining up the obvious that THE COLE BOMBING HAPPENED DURING THE CLINTON ADMIN!”

“This guy” is Powerline Blog – also following the action. (Actually, more comprehensively)
Update – The Command Post now has actual transcripts
In contrast to some of the angst at Powerline, John Gormley, a conservative local Canadian talk show host just mentioned he’s been watching the testimony and thinks she’s handling the questioning extremely well. Not an unbiased oberserver, but a little more detached than her nervous supporters in the US.

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