“Israel Behind 9/11”

Via the Shotgun:

The Mossad and the CIA infiltrated “Islamic combatant groups” in Afghanistan and were the forces behind the attack on Sept. 11 in New York and Washington, D.C., Imam Mohamed al-Asi said at York University last week.
Al-Asi was part of an event titled “From Ground Zero to Islamophobia: Who Are the Victims?” that was hosted by seven different campus organizations, including the Muslim Action Network, the Muslim Student Association, the Middle Eastern Student Association, the Pakistani Student Association and the Pakistani Student Federation.

Some of the juicy bits:

“The Israeli Zionist [sic] are the true and legitimate object of liquidation. A new generation of death-defying youth are motivated by Islam, and Islam alone, to challenge and destroy the racism and nationalism of Tel Aviv’s politicians. Israel is running out of time and all the politicians know it.”

Last night headstones at a Jewish cemetary in Kitchener were vandalized. That made national news. Yet, this hasn’t. But wait – there’s more!

The other main speaker of the evening, Zafar Bangash, director of the Toronto-based Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought, also spoke about 9/11. The institute is described on its website as “an intellectual centre of the global Islamic movement.”

Bangash spoke about several conspiracy theories, including allegations that Canadian corporations defrauded Canadian taxpayers out of $2.5 billion in order to make banks Y2K compliant.
“Now this happened in Canada. You can imagine what goes on in the United States,” he said.
Bangash also complained about the lack of leadership in the Muslim community in Toronto.
“Any screwball can get up … [and] give their two-bit opinion about Islam.”

