The African Queen

Her Ketchupdom for a dictionary.

“I think the American people are beginning to see the dichotomy between terrorism on the one hand and Iraq on the other. There’re not the same. The only thing that is the same is that Iraq has made terrorism worse, not better. … It’s exasperated terrorism worldwide,” Teresa Heinz Kerry said during a brief news conference at Franklin Canyon Park.

An exasperated terrorist is a dangerous terrorist. John F. Kerry would, with her help, work towards a world in which terrorists are happy and content.

She told them
she was born and raised in Africa and learned to avoid water sources at sunrise and sunset, times when animals came to drink.

Raised by African Wild Dogs, she was… the mind’s eye pictures the little girl stooping at a watering hole to drink… one eye on the hyenas, the other on the crocodiles. How ironic that she would survive to return to America, only to succumb to a leech.
Via Deinonychus antirrhopus

3 Replies to “The African Queen”

  1. Well, just to be fair, The Pickle undoubtedly meant to say “exacerbated” instead of “exasperated.” In fact, she may well have said “exacerbated,” and the fine journalist who transcribed the quote is unfamiliar with the word.
    I’m no Kerry or Heinz apologist, I just see where it could have been a different numbskull who was exposing their ignorance.

  2. Oh, I know what she meant to say. It was more fun to take it face value.
    I’ll wait for the correction before assuming she may have been misquoted. I have a feeling she wasn’t – read that passage again. She barely makes sense.
