Losing The Game Of Gotcha

Via Instapundit – a very good article on the media disconnect with the public they serve, and how the Bush administration has capitalized on that weakness.

As a first step out of this trap, journalists need to ask themselves: how did we become so predictable? Is it possisble to go back, and pull the wire that made this so? The game of Gotcha does exist. Auletta, a liberal journalist, can recognize it as easily as Karl Rove. Knock him off stride. Get him off the talking points.
But instead of rolling our eyes, we ought to realize that Gotcha has been incorporated into a new thesis, now in power in the White House. Behold the basics of President Bush’s press think. You don’t represent the public. You’re not a part of the checks and balances. I don’t have to answer your questions. And you don’t have that kind of muscle anymore.

Read the whole thing.The comment section is as good as the article.

2 Replies to “Losing The Game Of Gotcha”

  1. disconnect? like this one?
    A stolen election, a fictitious mandate, a wildly lopsided tax cut, half a trillion dollars of debt, crony capitalism, an obsession with secrecy, a war based on lies, age-old alliances in tatters, overt contempt for democracy, thousands upon thousands dead and wounded.
    yeah, i guess youre right. haven’t heard much about this from the press lately. sad little creatures of the 5th estate seem to have been be co-opted.
