Global Warming, Mea Culpa

I would like to apologize too. For Global Warning.
Today, I watched and gave useless advice to a friend as he lay underneath my 1986 Dodge pickup (which averages 12 miles per gallon) as he used a jackknife to cut a hanging bracket to release a goodly portion of my exhaust system.
So, I guess I’m sorry about that.
But it’s not like it’s really loud or anything, so it will do for now. And it’s not nearly as bad as the bike.

4 Replies to “Global Warming, Mea Culpa”

  1. I’m clothed when I’m naked; I thin when I’m really fat…

    Alanis what now? And who’s this “Canada” person you keep going on about? Quickly now. I’m a busy guy….

  2. Lectures

    Here is what I didn’t have time to blog on because of technical problems:Voici ce sur quoi je n’ai pas eu le temps de blogguer pour cause de problèmes techniques: Before plucking the goose, be sure to smooth its feathers….

  3. Beltway Traffic Jam

    My last day telecommuting for a bit. Back to the office and traffic tomorrow. Possibly having lunch with Cam Edwards as well. The Tuesday linkfest:Kate…

  4. Celebrity (and I use that term loosely) Hypocrisy.

    Whats up Morissettes’ ass anyway? According to Kate at Small Dead Animals it’s not censorship, it’s us Americans.
