Journalistic Blinders

This didn’t take long. I read the article earlier today about LA Times Editor John Carroll’s comments on journalistic ethics. Paul, at Wizbang;

Oh Goody… Who was he going to rip?
– The New York Times for their Jayson Blair fiasco?
– NYT owner Pinch Sulzberger who blamed the fiasco on his readers?
– Eason Jordan and CNN who admitted to spewing Saddma’s propaganda for dollars?
– The NY Times’s Rick Bragg who never went to the places he claimed to be reporting from?
– The USA Today who let Jack Kelley make stories up for years?
– Steven Glass whose pseudo-journalism was so legendary they made a movie about it?
– Dateline NBC for planting explosives on a GMC truck to make it look like any impact would make it blow up?

Nope. The BBC and Andrew Gilligan’s “sexing up” scandal against the British government didn’t make his list, either. Oddly enough!
Go read the whole jaw-dropping thing. Instead, the LA Times editor’s directed “a scathing critique of Fox News and some talk show hosts, such as Bill O’Reilly…”
Well, there’s one of his problems – he doesn’t know the difference between a journalist and an op-ed guy! Finally, an explanation for the editorial content that masquerades as hard news in his own paper.

2 Replies to “Journalistic Blinders”

  1. Sounds like the drowning man fighting off the life guard. Biased manipulation of the material being reported on is what has brought the `old guard’ news organizations to this point. Blinded by idealogy they will continue to believe that the problem is somebody elses fault. Victim mentallity is alive and, perhaps no so, well.
