Schwarzenegger Comes Calling On Klein

Toronto Star;

EDMONTON – The Terminator came calling and Alberta Premier Ralph Klein was up for the challenge.
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger phoned Klein yesterday to place a wager on the Calgary-San Jose National Hockey League playoff series and the duo agreed to put up $1,000 each on the outcome of the best-of-seven semi-final.
“Each person will decide what charity to support once the winner is decided,” said Klein’s press secretary, Marisa Etmanski.
Klein is leaning toward helping the Special Olympics, she said.
Etmanski added that the two leaders did not clarify during their five-minute telephone chat if the loser will have to pay in American greenbacks or Canadian loonies.
“I imagine if it’s Arnold giving it to us, it’d be in American,” she said.
Etmanski said Klein thought talking to Schwarzenegger, an actor best known for his roles in the Terminator movies before he became governor, was “cool.”
The leaders also discussed other things such as Alberta’s energy role in California, the Edmonton Sun reported in a story today.
“(Schwarzenegger) was quite receptive and hoped that they could meet face to face some day,” Etmanski said.
As to whether the Austrian-born Schwarzenegger is a hockey fan, Etmanski said he “indicated he definitely wanted San Jose to win.”
Calgary won the first game 4-3 in overtime Sunday. The second game will be played tonight.

Except it wasn’t “Ahnold” calling. It was an Edmonton radio station, pulling a prank.
Don’t anybody tell the Star. It looks good on them.

One Reply to “Schwarzenegger Comes Calling On Klein”

  1. What gets me is that the radio station capitulated, apologized, and coughed up $1000 for Klein to donate to the Special Olympics.
    I’m hereby boycotting The Bear (radio station in question) for the rest of the summer. Not because they pulled the prank, but because they’re acting like a bunch of pussies over it now.
    Whatever happened to the days when people used to have a sense of humour?
