3 Replies to “The Suicide Of David Reimer”

  1. Give War a Chance

    Kate McMillan We also make the mistake of assuming that violent struggle is an impediment to the process of stabilization and democracy. Very few countries…

  2. Canadian Identity

    Kate’s got some interesting thoughts on Canadian identity that may spark a debate with her fellow Canadians. I’ll only note one thing for her: the…

  3. I’ve never read a more horrible story than “As Nature Made Him”, yet because of horrendousness I could not put the book down.
    My deepest sympathy and respect go out to David’s parents, family and associates. A tragedy was magnified countless times over by Dr. Money’s cruel maltreatment and purposeful neglect.
    If Dr. Money is still alive, he should be made to make restitution in millions of dollars to his surviving victims, and should never see freedom again because of his criminal treatment of the Reimers.
