Hezbollah Condemns PR Stunt

As reported by Hezbollah’s European Bureau :
Hizbollah Slams Beheading of American as Un-Islamic

“Hizbollah condemns this horrible act that has done very great harm to Islam and Muslims by this group that claims affiliation to the religion of mercy, compassion and humane principles,” the Shi’ite Muslim group said in a statement.

“The timing of this act that overshadowed the scandal over the abuse of Iraqi prisoners in occupation forces prisons is suspect timing that aims to serve the American administration
and occupation forces in Iraq and present excuses and pretexts for their inhumane practices against Iraqi detainees.”
The Syrian-backed group which the United States deems “terrorist” said the executors’ behavior was closer to “the Pentagon school — the school of killing and occupation and crimes and torture and immoral practices that were exposed by the great scandal in occupation prisons.”

Those headline jokers at Reuters – had you going for a second, didn’t they?

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