We Wait

Last week George Bush apologized for what had been done at Abu Ghairb in the name of the United States Of America. Donald Rumsfeld apologized for what had been done in the name of the US military.
Today, as we witness the double standard of our major media in all its blazing glory, endlessly repeating the photographs from Abu Ghairb while “protecting” us from the “upsetting” scenes of a screaming Nick Berg having his head sawed off… we wait.
We wait for the clamour in the press.
We wait for the outraged editorials.
We wait for prominant politicians’ and pundits’ calls for resignations.
We wait for the pledge to help hunt down the perpetrators and set right past wrongs.
But most of all, we wait for the apology.
From the leaders of Islam, the religion of peace.
For what has been done in their name.

19 Replies to “We Wait”

  1. Surfing around different sites, Sean, I have a feeling that this may be bigger than anyone has predicted. There’s a momentum of anger building.
    Had this occured in isolation, I don’t think that would have happened to this extent. Juxtaposed against the prison abuse photos, and the stark contrast in which the way the two events have been covered, people may be finally reaching the tipping point of tolerance for the partisanship in the media.
    I saw a brief clip of Bush tonight. I didn’t see him searching for words in the way he often does – measuring them carefully. He seemed angrier than I’ can recall in a long time.

  2. I admit to being conflicted over the whole Iraq mess. I dislike Bush, but I dislike Islamofascists more so, and I realize that either we take them on now on their turf, or on our turf later on in greater numbers.

  3. On the other hand MSN is reporting, Ambassador Bandar, some UAE guy and a third represenative (Jordan, I think) have actually declared it inhumane and un-islamic.
    Not earth shaking, and diplomatic speak, but a nice chnage.

  4. I think we know the Islamofascists now realize that the video is jolting the sleeping giant, based on the fact that al-Jazeera is trying to claim it’s fake now. (Either that or they’re shocked that an act of terrorism happened that they weren’t informed about in advance).

  5. For every American killed in Iraq, 100 Iraqi wemon and children should publicly be beheaded. Kill them all.

  6. What should we do about this mess in iraq, you ask??? Bring the troops home now!!! WHEN THE LAST SHIP LEAVES AND THE LAST DECENT IRAQIS (i am sure their are a couple… wel maybe 3)IS ON SAFE GROUND ……
    NUKE THE S.O.B.’s
    “war is hell.” Gen. George S. Patton WWII

  7. Pics of naked iraqis “notice lower case” was nothing more than photos from a iraqi gay life magazine called allah akbar.

  8. If the terrorists who murdered Berg are so proud of what they have done, why did they cover their faces? Why are these so called terrorists targeting civilians? Are they not brave enough to fight trained soldiers? Every day new acts of terrorism are reported worldwide. These are not acts of “terrorism”, these are acts of cowardism. Call them terrorists if you will, I call them cowards.

    Palestine forces reduced Tel Aviv and all outlying
    settlements in 48hrs before soldiers swept in with tanks…jewish children as young as 10 threw
    stones at the shiny new tanks before being gunned
    down etc etc
    BUSH asked for calm adding that Isreal had little
    or no oil so who really gives a shit.
    Ahhhh to live in a perfect world!!

  10. “If the terrorists who murdered Berg are so proud of what they have done, why did they cover their faces? Why are these so called terrorists targeting civilians? Are they not brave enough to fight trained soldiers? Every day new acts of terrorism are reported worldwide. These are not acts of “terrorism”, these are acts of cowardism. Call them terrorists if you will, I call them cowards.”
    Terrorists – Cowards It’s the same thing. Terrorists will not primarily attack the military because it doesn’t raise terror. They attack civilians because when they cause enough fear in the civilian populace the civilians will want the military to leave the terrorists alone so the terrorist will them alone. It never has really worked but, who said they were intelligent.

  11. it was a pleasure to slaughter that son of a bitch jew nick berg. it was a response to what us is doin in iraq n israel is doin in palestine. it was a reaction n not an action. there are many more to come so be ready cuz u r mommas will be under our knives too one day.

  12. U R Dad is so blinded by hate that he or she is reduced to nothing else but destruction. God will repay evil regardless who commits it. He judges all hearts. However, it’s the Christian America not satan America( as you call us) that’s even now praying for muslims to repent before judgment is upon them. The beheading may have managed to scare some liberal Americans but from a Christian conservative………..May God have mercy on your soul and anyone else who thinks like you. Your knives are useless.

  13. Sympathy for the Guardian of Peace
    By Adam Bom
    I think every stinking Moslem should be forwarded this, as it is to be their end!
    Sung to the tune, “Sympathy for the Devil” the Rolling Stones.
    Please allow me to introduce myself
    I�m a thermo-nuclear device
    I�ve been around since World War II
    Designed to lay waste to enemy life
    The Islamic world will vaporize
    In my almighty burning flames
    Extremist and Moslem innocents
    Transformed into charred remains
    Pleased to atomize you
    hope you guessed my name
    but what�s puzzling you
    is how I got into the game
    You invited me on from the Tyranny
    Of your psycho Mullahs Vice
    who taught you that Jihad
    Is every Moslems duty and right
    What you should of known
    you were brainwashed for their gain
    they raped your daughters, right?
    And your sons were offered fame
    Pleased to atomize you
    hope you guessed my name
    but what�s puzzling you
    is how I got into the game
    I will ignite with a sun like light
    In Mecca during Ramadan
    The Black Stone and a billion Moslem�s
    will burn in a pillar of shame
    Your religion is a fool�s parade
    Led by men whose power grows
    you live in misery and poverty
    while they thrive upon your woes
    Let me introduce myself
    I�m a thermo-nuclear device
    the message that I�m sending out
    is that you all will pay the price
    Pleased to atomize you
    hope you guessed my name
    but what�s confusing you
    is how I got into the game
    Just like Islam is a religion of peace
    And all the murdering martyrs saints
    As black is white
    Just call me Atom Bomb
    Cause I�m in need of some restraint
    If you�re in my vicinity
    when my powers are unleashed
    you have only a moment in time
    To Plea for a place in eternity
    or change now and live in peace
    Tell me terrorists, what are your names
    Tell me Moslem innocents, what is their names
    You have the chance to stop your apocalypse
    I tell you one time, or you too are to blame.

  14. Found this on the web and thought i should share it.
    My ass. How dare the Olympic Committee suggest the American and English athletes not run around after one of their many wins and celebrate by wrapping themselves in the stars and stripes or the Union Jack. “It might offend other countries who may already have strained views of us”. Bullshit. After our athletes win, they should grab Old Glory or the Jack and shove it in their faces chanting USA, USA, USA or England, England, England. France isn’t being asked not to celebrate. Germany’s not being asked to celebrate. Canada, Australia or Japan aren’t being asked not to celebrate. Only our two countries. Can someone say “discrimination” or “jealousy”? They just don’t want to have to listen to our national anthems over and over and over again. And I’ll guarantee you this. The mass majority of the people in the stadium will boo till their horse when the Star Spangled Banner is played. Right then our athletes should collectively raise their right arms and flip them off. Or in England’s case, give them the ‘ol two finger salute. But then we’d just be criticized for “unsportsman like conduct”. Oh well.

  15. nuke the fuckers they want martyrdom anyways let just save time and money and get it over with quick

  16. You stupid vicious people, your greed, arrogance and racism has caused all the problems in the middle east and now when the oppressed strike back, you can’t handle it. Fuck you, fuck America and fuck stupid cunt Blair for dragging us into your filth.
