Nick Berg, Updated?

James has been following a new development…
ABC news:

But in the wake of Berg’s gruesome murder, it becomes a stranger than fiction coincidence – an American who inadvertently gave away his computer password to one notorious al Qaeda operative is later murdered by another notorious al Qaeda operative.

Paul, at Wizbang broke the story

WEST CHESTER, Pennsylvania (CNN) — When Nicholas Berg took an
Oklahoma bus to a remote college campus a few years ago, the American recently beheaded by terrorists allowed a man with terrorist connections to use his laptop computer, according to his father.
Government sources told CNN that the encounter involved an acquaintance of Zacarias Moussaoui — the only person publicly charged in the United States in connection with the September 11, 2001, terror attacks.

8 Replies to “Nick Berg, Updated?”

  1. i have watched the video. i find it totally barbaric, however it raises many more questions for me.
    1. why the audio is out of sync ? a cheap camcorder which this appears to filmed with does sync audio and video and to my knowledge also has much better resolution.
    2. why does the scream start several seconds before the knife is pulled from the vest ?
    3. why does the time post jump ahead from 2 to 13 ? it’s an obvious splice because the camera position is immediately much different.
    4. shouldn’t there have been a large spray of blood from the initial cut ? i remember the famous execution tape from vietnam. there was a fountain of blodd arcing up from the bullet wound for quite some time. here all i see is a pool forming on the floor . it also appears that his legs are being elevated so that gravity will cause him to bleed out .
    5. the body language is all wrong. these guys appear to be anxious to get through not exhililerated to be taking part. note the constant shifting of weight from side to side.
    6. why in the world would the FBI leave an american citizen of jewish descent in the hands of the iraqi police for 2 weeks. what were they questioning him about.
    7. how do we know that he was ever released ?
    8. was he legally in iraq ?
    9. at a time when america was reeling from its own stupidity why would an intelligent terrorists organization come to americas aid with such a barbaric act as this. it did nothing to help the terrorist cause and alot to help embattled american leaders. it just seems strange !
    10 . this was his second trip to iraq and i have read he traveled all over the place . how did he finance these trips ?
    11. who decided that they would let this “lone entrepreneur ” roam freely in this dangerous situation ? why was he not forced to leave iraq ?
    12. was he on a secret mission ?
    13. what might he have seen that led to his demise ?
    these are some of the questions i’d love to know the answers to. i’m sure there are more. i hate to say it but for an administration embroiled in the most serious problem since vietnam, this video could not have come at a better time. i hope it is all coincidence. i fear it is not.

  2. “1. why the audio is out of sync ?”
    Evidently you haven’t watched many on-line videos. The video almost ALWAYS precedes the audio, especially when you’re using RealPlayer.
    “2. why does the scream start several seconds before the knife is pulled from the vest ? ”
    Answered above. Why are you reasking the same question?
    “3. why does the time post jump ahead from 2 to 13 ? it’s an obvious splice because the camera position is immediately much different.”
    Our government acknowledged this 11-hour gap in time. Nobody knows. Guess you’ll have to ask the terrorists….
    “4. shouldn’t there have been a large spray of blood from the initial cut ? ”
    No. The carotids aren’t on the most-lateral side of the neck, where the initial cut was.
    “it also appears that his legs are being elevated so that gravity will cause him to bleed out .”
    No, they were holding him down. Why elevate the legs for bleeding out? This isn’t the OJ case…
    “5. the body language is all wrong. these guys appear to be anxious to get through not exhililerated to be taking part. note the constant shifting of weight from side to side. ”
    Maybe they got tired of standing up and were anxious to get on with it.
    “6. why in the world would the FBI leave an american citizen of jewish descent in the hands of the iraqi police for 2 weeks. what were they questioning him about.”
    His background was highly suspicious. They needed that time to check him out thoroughly, most notably the Mossaoui connection.
    “7. how do we know that he was ever released ?”
    He was seen by a St. Pete Times reporter the next day.
    “8. was he legally in iraq ?”
    He had the right to go there.
    “9. at a time when america was reeling from its own stupidity why would an intelligent terrorists organization come to americas aid with such a barbaric act as this. it did nothing to help the terrorist cause and alot to help embattled american leaders. it just seems strange !”
    You question the barbarity of Al-Quaeda? Then I question YOUR intelligence…
    “10 . this was his second trip to iraq and i have read he traveled all over the place . how did he finance these trips ?”
    Good question.
    “11. who decided that they would let this ‘lone entrepreneur ‘ roam freely in this dangerous situation ?”
    Nick Berg made that decision.
    “why was he not forced to leave iraq ?”
    He was entitled to stay there of his own volition. The State Department may warn people of the dangers, but the risks are theirs to take should they decide to remain in-country.
    “12. was he on a secret mission ?”
    Who knows?
    “13. what might he have seen that led to his demise ?”
    Perhaps we’ll find out when the murderers are (hopefully) captured. We learned about the murder of Daniel Pearl from his killers.
    “i hate to say it….”
    No, you couldn’t wait to say it (again!)
    You’re obviously an America-hating liberal or an Al-Quaea sympathiser. GO TO HELL!!!!!

  3. What puzzles me is why people go to such lengths to ask questions for which answers are easily found? It’s clumsy conspiracy mongering. Nice try.

  4. How about:
    1) At least 3 of the hooded men are fat white men wearing US issue flak jackets. The AK-47 seen is not a russian one but an israeli version based on the russian design.
    2) The executioner is wearing a gold ring which is forbidden is islam.
    3) The plastic chair Nick Berg is sitting in is identical to the ones seen in released photos of Abu Gharib prison.
    4) At the end of the tape a western voice is heard. Many people think he is saying “thy will be done”.
    5) The arabic accent spoken is neither jordanian or iraqi. It is also said the arabic spoken is not from a speaker of whom arabic is their primary language.

  5. to libhater
    at least you had the brain to make an intelligent rebuttal. now may i redirect.
    1. i haven’t seen many online videos at all. however the ones i have seenwere of a significantly higher quality. maybe it’s pure lag time
    2. i concede this point
    3. you conceded this point
    4. time of death is important in any investigation. i think there would have been a spray however the spray could have been down or away and the blurry video does not clarify.
    5. body language is a learned skill. i teach it . it is not a 100 % skill nor is a wholly stand alone piece of evidence.
    6. boy you missed the boat here. the facts coming out about his past say that the last place he would have been left is in the custudy of the iraqi police. as a matter of fact his past added to the fact that he should up in iraq was more than enough reason for him to have been taken into custody by the FBI and removed from iraq. if he was important enough for them to go back and question him 3 times.
    7. i have read that the reporter spoke to him the 7th i believe.
    8. really our state dept is issuing travel visas for people to venture off on their own in a highly volitile war zone ? if so they are idiots
    9. you misinterpreted this question. the cold-blooded way in which this terrorist sect has conducted themselves is not in doubt. but they are not STUPID ! they are conducting psychological warfare. i actually told several people that this would happen but the more i thought about it the more i had to think that the timing was all wrong. i didn’t say it didn’t happen. i said it hurt their cause.
    10. …………
    11. i still find it hard to believe that they allowed him to roam around alone. today i read he was actually working for somebody climbing radio towers. i just do not understand why he was not within the confines of a secure compound. with the upsurge in daily fighting in march what would possibly cause an intelligent young man to walk the streets of bagdad .
    12. the very seed that our democracy grew from is the seed of transparency. what do you think are the odds that an american jew who had been investigated years earlier for possible terrorist connections would be murdered in iraq by the very same terrorists group ?
    you are so quick to feed your own ego that you missed what i really said. this has to be micro-disected to squelch the many conspiracy theories that will and are all over the web. if you think that the american government is above killing innocent people check the body count in vietnam, and iraq.
    i am very “pro” american. but i do not support the invasion of iraq. i do not support the lies told by the current administration to get us there. i do not believe it is a tenable situation.and i do not support the 300 billion dollars that will have been wasted by the time we get our soldiers home.
    what i do believe is that the intention is to establish bases in iraq and secure their oil for ourselves. i believe that we are alot less safe now than before this war started. i believe that america is in trouble and that were it not for people like me that pose questions we might never get back on track.
    i ask questions and seek answers. i have no pre-determined agenda. you obviously have done your homework. as long as we continue to stay informed our grand children may live free too.
