“Learn To Take It”

Jihad spokesman says Canadians were mean to Khadrs”

According to a translation of an article written by Abu Ayman al-Hilali, a senior al-Qaeda leader and ideologist, the United States, Britain, France, Italy, Canada, Germany, and Australia are “enemies” and attacks against their civilians are justified. Since Western governments are engaged in a war against Islam, he argued, the civilian voters who elect those governments cannot be considered non-combatants and are legitimate targets for terrorists.
In an interview in Islamabad yesterday, Mr. Khawaja, who fought with bin Laden in Afghanistan and openly admits he supports jihad activities, provided a rare explanation of why terrorists wish to bring violence to Canada.
Suicide bombers are simply fighting back against the Western assault on their faith and Canadians should just learn to “take it,” he said.
“Today you have the power in your hand. The other day the suicide bomber also has power. So you use your cruise missiles and atom bombs and all that, so he uses his power. So why do you cry at that time? When you say we are fighting a war against you, so better take it then.
“They are also fighting a war against you. They are fighting their way, you are fighting your way. So let’s be happy. But only thing is, your faces are pulled down, you are scared, sitting in America and Canada. You are scared of a man sitting in the cave.”
“We are not scared of you.”

Indeed. With a military that has been emasculated through decades of neglect, a populace polluted with moral relativism, political correctness and anti-Americanism, a government that just defeated an opposition motion to deny Islamic hate monger Sheikh Al-Sudayyis entry into the country to spew his anti-semitic rhetoric, why should they be?
Hell, he’s probably in Martin’s appointment calendar under “photo-op”.

Yesterday, Canada’s latest victim of terrorism Islamic fascism died.
Tom Washburn was shot in the neck in an attack in Saudi Arabia 2 weeks ago, where he was working for an oil company. He was 40.

More at the Shotgun

2 Replies to ““Learn To Take It””

  1. Ecological Footprints

    Small Dead Animals looks at EO Wilson’s calculations on ecological footprints. And comes to the correct conclusion that we already seem to have run out of land, although there’s a couple of minor errors in the calcs. There is a

  2. For the record, this article was my tipping point. I officially no longer care what any particular government does to the Islamofascists to get rid of them. The ends now justify the means so far as I’m concerned.
