9 Replies to “Antonia Zerbisias”

  1. While I find the woman rather annoying as well, I can’t say the pot shots everyone has been taking at her weight are called for. Is it not possible to criticize her on the basis of her writing (no shortage of ammo there) without dragging her personal appearance into things?

  2. Now you know why I, and thousands of others ordinary Canadians no longer read the Toronto Star.

  3. While I find the woman rather annoying as well, I can’t say the pot shots everyone has been taking at her weight are called for.
    You’re right. We should all be focusing on the facts that she’s ugly and her mother dresses her funny.

  4. “You’re right. We should all be focusing on the facts that she’s ugly and her mother dresses her funny.”
    You’ve just lost all moral authority to complain about any Harper attack ads the Liberals roll out next week.

  5. “Paul Martin’s mother still dresses him?”
    It would certainly explain a few things if she did.
