Reality Check

Someone wrote in my comments:

For every American killed in Iraq, 100 Iraqi wemon [sic] and children should publicly be beheaded. Kill them all.”

Yeah, I have to admit, that there are days when I think of a future in which we sit around on a Saturday evening, drinking wine coolers, thinking of the soft green glow far beyond the eastern horizon and the “Seven Minute War”…
“Darn. Maybe that was overkill.. oh well, no time for second guessing… who knew President Kerry had it in him?…”
Then, I go read Zayed and Alaa and I change my mind.

One Reply to “Reality Check”

  1. I wonder if the person who left that comment has read any of the trail judgments from Nuremberg, like this statement from Keitel’s trial judgment: “On 16th September, 1941, Keitel ordered that attacks on soldiers in the East should be met by putting to death 50 to 100 Communists for one German soldier, with the comment that human life was less than nothing in the East.”
    Keitel was a war criminal who committed horrible atrocities. We have to be very careful not to become like that. The person who left that comment on your blog was advocating genocide and acts similar to what the Nazis carried out. I wonder if s/he realizes what s/he really said, and how truly sick a statement like that really is.
