Select Commission On Gettysburg

Via RWN;

Mr. Ben-Gorelick: Good evening, President Lincoln. The Select Commission on Gettysburg thanks you for taking time out from the Civil War to appear.
Lincoln: You’re welcome, sir. I respect the commission.
Mr. Ben-Gorelick: Before I get to the blunders at Gettysburg, sir, I must ask about the speech you just gave there dedicating the cemetery. This “Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth.” Do you have the?
Lincoln: I know it.

Mr. Ben-Gorelick: And yet – and I’ll put this text in the record – there’s not a single reference in this speech to saving the union.
Lincoln: It’s implied.
Mr. Ben-Gorelick: Not a single reference. Isn’t it a fact that you said in the speech, “dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal..”
Lincoln: Yes, in the first sentence.
Mr. Ben-Gorelick: And isn’t it a fact that you say, and again I quote, “that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom.” ?
Lincoln: Yes.
Mr. Ben-Gorelick: Isn’t it a fact that you were referring to slavery?
Lincoln: Well, yes. But I also said, second paragraph, that they died, quote, “that nation might live.”
Mr. Ben-Gorelick: Yes, but what nation, sir? Clearly, your real goal is to abolish slavery. You took us to war under false pretense, didn’t you, sir?

Go read the whole thing. Priceless “commentary” by Chris Matthews, too… “I’m here with the Gettysburg widows.”

2 Replies to “Select Commission On Gettysburg”

  1. The Bravery of the British

    Via Small Dead Animals. No, no comment, go see. Well, some comment. You Sirrah are despicable and should be horsewhipped through the streets of London, sewn in a sack full of salt and dropped in the Thames.
