Using The UN Scam for Leverage?

Thomas Lifson has his suspicions about what may be going on behind the scenes of UNSCAM.
If true, I suspect it isn’t the first time – there was a rather sudden reversal of position from France, Germany and Russia over their initial refusal to forgive Iraq’s debts a few months ago – despite the warnings of the pundits and political critics who said the exclusion of those countries from bidding on lucrative rebuilding contracts was a self-inflicted foot wound.
Via Instapundit, who as usual, has a great roundup of links

One Reply to “Using The UN Scam for Leverage?”

  1. One suspects that if a tenth of the speculation of what what the coalition grabbed inthe way of records was true (brides, corruption) that any number of people can stand to be discreetly persuaded to modify their opinions or do favours.
    Hey, you lie down with the dogs you wake up with fleas.
    (Except Kate’s dogs of course, which I am sure are offended by the very idea of fleas. As, no doubt, is Kate.)
