Writ Drops. With A Thud

It’s officially official.
The election call will be made tomorrow. Martin is heading to the polls with an Ontario base angry at broken election promises by the provincial Liberals, ADSCAM’s wrapup was ugly and unconvincing, and Quebec support for Liberals is collapsing in favour of the Blok. The West? Still hates ’em and the announcement about insignificant changes to the gun registry won’t have earned anything more than cynicism.

Who knows why he’s determined to go now. My suspicious nature suggests there is more to learn on the ADSCAM front, or ominous signs for the economy ahead. Or some known unknown? Not much else makes sense.
Speaking of which, how may photos do you think they shuffled through at the Ottawa Citizen before they settled on this one? Heh.

One Reply to “Writ Drops. With A Thud”

  1. I agree with you Kate, calling an election now is indicative that the government thinks things are going to get WORSE the longer they wait.
    I have this hope that they are wrong, and the worse things happen DURING the campaign.
    But that’s just me.
