Throwing Water On Michael Moore

Roger Simon has a particularly good time with everyone’s favorite schlockumentarist.

Ray Bradbury’s original Fahrenheit 451, as we all know, was about book-burning. Maybe Moore’s Fahrenheit 911 is actually about pants-burning, as in “Liar, Liar, pants on fire!”

As is widely known, but virtually unreported, the Moore accusation that Bush family ties were to blame for the permission given for a planeful of Saudis to leave the US right after the attacks in September of 2001, has been rebutted by none other than former terrorism “czar” Richard Clarke.
Yes, the same Clarke that testified before the 911 commission, where he blamed the FBI. Clarke gave the approval for the flight’s departure and has confirmed that he was the highest ranking official involved.
Don’t expect this fact to have much effect on the drooling hordes who will form lines to suck up Moore’s mental pablum.

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