“Extremist” Abortion Views

The media and pundits are leaning hot and hard on Harper in the past 24 hours, now that there seems to be more than a “good scare” looming for the preferred Liberals. The word “extremist” is getting thrown around, and breathless discussion of abortion law is swirling.
We should be working hard to point out what is happening. Fiamma Nirenstein, former Communist, human rights activist and Italian journalist;

“when you call a person a right-winger, this is the first step toward his or her delegitimization.”

The abortion debate is a classic example of the unresistable force of one person’s right to choose coming against the immovable object of the other person’s right to exist. There will never be an acceptable common ground for those on either side of the debate, so compromise is not possible.
Law has to choose one side or the other. In Canada, abortion is legal. But legality does not render a position “moderate”. There is no halfway position between life and death. Those who oppose abortion, and want to change abortion law through democratic channels are no less moderate or legitimate than those who want to retain the status quo. Yet, this is how they are characterized in the press and by the pro-choice advocates.
So, while I’m personally pro-choice, I cringe when I hear the pro-life position being described as “right wing” or “extremist”.
Jailing or stoning homosexuals is extremist. Executing people for having extra marital affairs is extremist. Flogging women because they do not cover their hair is extremist.
Being opposed to the taking of life for reasons of convenience is not extremist, nor is it right-wing. It is simply an opposing view, on an issue that has no middle ground.
When we hear the “extremist” meme in our media and from our politicians, we should be aware of what they are doing – it is an attempt to delegitimize that opposing view, so that they do not have to address the issue on its merits, or face the possibility that it is a majority viewpoint that may just prevail if subjected to the democratic process.

8 Replies to ““Extremist” Abortion Views”

  1. protein wisdom, channeling Dean Vernon Wormer, offers the following advice to Canadian columnist Antonia Zerbisias:

    protein wisdom: “Fat, drunk, and Canadian* is no way to go through life, Antonia.” *(With apologies in advance to those Canadians who happen not to be enormously fat, shrieking, potentially Jew-hating gobs of terror-enabling leftist goo with their own …

  2. It’s not like I said ‘Blame Canada’ or something…

    Who is this Antonia woman and what does she have against those of us who support the war?(Courtesy Celluloid Wisdom, Small Dead Animals, Western Standard, Dean Esmay, A Small Victory, Ye Ole Puppy Blender, Whomping Willow, and others)…

  3. It’s not like I said ‘Blame Canada’ or something…

    Who is this Antonia woman and what the hell is her major malfunction?(Courtesy Celluloid Wisdom, Small Dead Animals, Western Standard, Dean Esmay, A Small Victory, Ye Ole Puppy Blender, Whomping Willow, and others)…

  4. Fat, drunk and Canadian

    Welcome to the 19th installment of the Carnival of the Canucks! This week’s theme is Fat, drunk, and Canadian! Ahh, Canada. A big country. A country with big ideas. Going places. Ok, truth be told, and excepting the high alcohol…

  5. Fat, drunk and Canadian

    Welcome to the 19th installment of the Carnival of the Canucks! This week’s theme is Fat, drunk, and Canadian! Ahh, Canada. A big country. A country with big ideas. Going places. Ok, truth be told, and excepting the high alcohol…

  6. You’d think that this wouldn’t even need to be said, that it’d be something so obvious on it’s face that everyone would “get it”. Unfortunately that’s not the case, it does need to be said, and you said it very well.

  7. What I think is extremist is the reaction of the press to the idea that the people through their elected MP’s might get a voice in the matter at all.
