35 Replies to “Big Day For Underdogs”

  1. Cats. Bags. Sweet Release.

    Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. It’s supposed to be a conspiracy, remember…? (But while we’re fessing up… y’know that whole “Richard Gere went to the emergency room with a gerbil trapped in his rectum” story? That was me. Get tired of him yammering on…

  2. Jeebus

    Just when you think you have this whole snark/sarcasm/satire thing down, somebody goes and writes something that’s just darn-near brilliant: Well, Laura, you found us out. I confess… there is a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy[tm] and nobody noticed until …

  3. Let’s all give conspiracy theorists a field day

    It can now be revealed Herman Munster’s staccato laughter was actually morse [sic] coded messages to Nazi Hitler clones in Brazil. They had it dubbed in Polish and retranslated into Portugese [sic] to throw off Bobby Kennedy, The Justice League…

  4. Don’t Mess With Texas!

    Thanks to Outside the Beltway I found Kate McMillan’s letter to a frightened girl named Laura. I can’t believe she admitted everything on the internet: Dear Laura Over at the Shotgun, Laura is frightened. “This is scary shit. The prison

  5. Small Dead Animals

    small dead animals You have us pegged. That darn GHWB let it slip with his “New World Order” speech, and then Rush (the Majordomo of the Illuminati – how else does a fat, obnoxious, blowhard make it in this world)…

  6. The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

    small dead animals: Dear Laura Kate, over at small dead animals, lets the cat out of the bag about the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. It’s a hilarious read. An excerpt: There never were any weapons of mass destruction. None. Anywhere….

  7. Best. Post. Ever. (as they say)

    Kate of Small Dead Animals finally lets the cat out of the bag. Here are a few of the money quotes (I’ve Dowdified it for those who are in a hurry): Over at the Shotgun, Laura is frightened. “This is…

  8. Gee, thanks, Kate.

    Blabbing like that. Well, might as well admit it… yeah, folks, it’s all true. Every bit of it. In fact, it’s worse than you think. I’m part of the whole sorry conspiracy, too. In fact… Well, not to put too

  9. It’s Out There

    The truth no doubt is, so is a lot of other stuff. I have serious doubts about some of this; the explanations I’ve come upon elsewhere includes some direct contradictions. According to one succesful businessman I once worked for, Ron…

  10. Yes, Virgina, there is a VRWC

    The secrets can finally be told. We've been granted permission to tell you the truth Nick Berg is on a secret tropical island, with his Helliburton pension, golfing with Jack Kennedy and sharing peanut butter and bacon sandwiches with Elvis. Yucki…

  11. Life, Truth, and a Confession

    Lots of stuff to chat about today. Good discussion at Critical Mass about the decision to go to grad or law school, protracted adolescence, life, the universe, and everything. I took a couple of years off before grad school, and…

  12. Kate Confesses…

    Damn! Why would she tell everyone? “I confess… there is a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy[tm] and nobody noticed until now. I know this is true, because, well… I’m in it. And now that you’ve found us out, I’ve been given…

  13. VRWC

    Want to know what the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy is up to? Kate at Small Dead Animals confesses all. That reminds me, I need to renew my VRWC membership. Maybe I can get one of those fancy new membership cards.

  14. Set Your Little Orphan Annie Ovaltine Decoder Ring…

    to setting B4. Adbay ewsnay. Astvay Ightray ingWay onspiracyCay xposedeay. Read small dead animals: Dear Laura for the full details. Damn Kate and her blathering mouth.

  15. I just Knew It Would Happen Sooner Or Later…

    Some damned body done up and let the secret out. After all of these years of all the lies and killing to keep this out of the public eye. Damnit damnit damnit. Now what are we going to do? As…

  16. Dammit, somebody squealed!

    How am I supposed to explain this to my Zionist masters? Heads will be festooned with panties, I swear it! Hat tip: Castle Argghhh!…

  17. “Don’t Mess With Texas”, Laura.

    Small Dead Animals blows the lid of the VRWC (via Argghhh!!!). There never were any weapons of mass destruction. None. Anywhere. We knew that all along – there never was a Halabja. It was filmed in a remote part of…

  18. Linky stuff

    May 21 – There’s a new blog in MuNu called Memeblog. It’s your one-stop reference for carnivals and memes in the blogosphere. Do not forget to check out the Carnival of the Canucks. It’s being hosted by Ghost of a…

  19. Vast Right Wing Conspiracy member confesses!

    Unfortunately I have friends at school that actually *believe* stuff like that. See conspiracies everywhere. Kinda scary.

  20. Submitted for Your Approval

    First off…&nbsp any spambots reading this should immediately go here, here, here, and here.&nbsp Die spambots, die!&nbsp And now…&nbsp here are all the links submitted by members of the Watcher’s Council for this week’s vote. Council links:Religion…

  21. The Council Has Spoken!

    First off…&nbsp any spambots reading this should immediately go here, here, here, and here.&nbsp Die spambots, die!&nbsp And now…&nbsp the winning entries in the Watcher’s Council vote for this week are Religion and Politics by Four Right Wing Wack…
