Everything Old Is New Again

As legislation expands here and across North America to ban smoking of tobacco products in public places, the anti-smoking crusaders (whose bandwagon I jumped off a couple of years ago) are claiming victory.

More recently, Nanny State has been treating us (at taxpayer expense) to brown eyed toddlers telling us how they “smoke a cigarette” on the way to school, on the way to grandma’s house. – through the noxious fumes they inhale in mommy’s car. I suspect the family sedan is next.

While the progressive forces of leftist “we know what’s good for you and if you don’t believe us, it’s jail for you!” clan marches forward with their zero tolerance agenda, their brothers-in-arms are busy campaigning – and succeeding – for the decriminilazation and normalization of marijuana
Which, last I checked, one rolls into cigarettes and inhales into their lungs.

Despite any scientific evidence to support their claims, (Pfizer should have it so good), marijuana is now being grown and sanctioned for medicinal purposes, courtesy of Health Canada.
And everything old is new again.

2 Replies to “Everything Old Is New Again”

  1. The part I get a kick out of is when asked how one would control impaired drivers, is the advocates’ claim that being stoned makes you a better driver. I’m not making this up.
    The only people you could convince of that might be those who have never smoked pot, or those who are perpetually high.
