Harper Support Continues To Rise

As the media and political adversaries begin to spew charges of “intolerance” towards the Conservatives – “intolerance” towards abortion, “intolerance” of homosexuality, and yesterday, “intolerance” of the Metis – I predict that during this coming week, they’ll be reviving the anti-Reform rhetoric charging out and out racism.
And through it all, momentum continues to build. Canwest is reporting that the Conservatives may be within striking distance of a majority government, if poll trends prove accurate.
Paul Martin’s Liberals would do well to consider that the majority of Canadians oppose gay marriage and aren’t nearly as supportive of our no-holds barred abortion policy (Canada has no laws at all governing abortion) as left wing activists would have you believe. Being profiled as an “extremist, intolerant bigot” isn’t likely to convince the majority of Canadians who have quite reasonable objections to abortion and gay marriage to vote for you.

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