Trudeau Was A Clueless Idiot

Not that this is a startling revelation. But, in contrast to the timeless wisdom we are reminded of in the wake of Reagan’s passing, Jaeger has some quotes to remind us just how clueless our former prime minister was.

“We have a great deal to learn from the Soviet Union . . . a country from which we have a great deal to benefit.”

4 Replies to “Trudeau Was A Clueless Idiot”

  1. I can’t even get to Jaeger’s site now from my home machine or remote systems in the U.S. and Europe that I have control over through my work. I really wish people would use something other than Blogspot to host their sites – it has to be the most useless service going.

  2. Hmm. That’s bizarre he can’t reach my site.
    But I agree blogspot sucks. I should move. Someday. Right after I stain the deck. And replace the fence. And a few other things. But he’s right, I should move it.

  3. It wasn’t responding for 20 minutes or so. I can get to it now, but every third or fourth page load Blogspot’s servers return corrupted data. The latter is a frequent occurrence that I get with most Blogspot sites using a variety of ISPs.
    BTW, if it makes you feel any better I haven’t finished building my fence yet and I’ve lived here for almost three years now.
