I Get Butterflies

Someone else has managed to turn the normal into the diseased to carve out yet another psychology employment niche.

CTV; Child psychologist Steven Feldgaier is using a program called “Friends” — a child program started in Australian schools — to teach kids how to walk through their problems, tackle life’s stresses in small steps — and relax.
For example, “you can go to a quiet room and relax where no one can bug you,” he told one class.
The Friends program is slowly making its way through schools in Winnipeg, as well as a school in Vancouver.
In today’s hectic, fast-paced world, more and more people are feeling overwhelmed. But experts say stress is no longer just an adult problem, but one affecting children as well.
Children as young as five years old are falling victim to stress.

I have an idea – let’s make this program self-supporting, through the taxation of children’s allowances. Then, Steven Feldgaier can explain to them how it’s all for their own good. Let him convince them to go to a quiet room to think about it.
I’d buy a ticket to that.

3 Replies to “I Get Butterflies”

  1. Kate,
    When will it end?
    Soon there will be interventions for infants who are stressed as manifest by their crying for food, or if they soiled themselves, for example.
    The program could be called, “Parenting”.

  2. No no no.
    Parenting has connotations of people actually taking of their own kids.
    This is to be strictly discouraged.
    We need some (more)professionals here.
    /sarcasm off/

  3. Funny how being someone’s friend used to mean actively caring about, and contributing towards their well-being.
    /even more sarcasm off
