SubLiberal Advertising

In the latest Harper attack ad, the Liberals use a series of “negative” images – among them the barrel of a gun, pointed directly at the viewer, ostensibly to illustrate the dangers we face if the gun registry is revoked…. but that isn’t all there is in the ad.

Free Dominion;

I downloaded the Liberal attack ad off their own website and converted it to quicktime to have some fun editing it. I didn’t expect to find what I found though.

The location of the flash matches up with the gun and it CLEARLY is a subliminal message that the gun has been fired at the viewer. It seems to be the only subliminal message in the ad. If that commercial gave you a creepy, uneasy feeling you couldn’t explain, that is why.

Go check out the images for yourself.
hat tip – Shotgun

2 Replies to “SubLiberal Advertising”

  1. Yeah, I checked out the Quicktime (not as apparent in the WMP version) and you can clearly see the muzzle flash and the guy’s finger pull the trigger!!! Definitely a trick to make you feel uneasy. See for yourself (play in Quicktime)
