FAB: Endorsing Paul Martin

Fab Magazine’s Editor-In-Chief Mitchel Raphael:

“Paul Martin is your only hope if you do not want to see Stephen Harper become prime minister. Under the Liberals, we have seen gay rights move forward a touch beyond what most Canadians are comfortable with. The Conservatives will roll back our rights. I say, bring it on: boost the NDP, infiltrate the Conservative Party and make them change. But if you want to avoid a big battle, vote red.”

From his interview of the chosen candidate:

How do you think your personal views on homosexuality have changed over time? And why?
No comment supplied.
In the last session of Parliament your government introduced Bill C-12, which would remove the artistic merit defence in current child-porn laws. How can gay youth be protected from prosecution for expressing their sexuality through art?
No comment supplied.
The new Assisted Human Reproduction Act makes home insemination illegal. This is a big hurdle for gay men and lesbians trying to conceive. Does the state have the right to be in the bedrooms of the nation if a gay man decides to inseminate a lesbian with a turkey-baster?
No comment supplied.
Will you be attending Pride Day in Toronto on June 27, the day before the election?
No comment supplied.

I smell a Pulitzer.

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