Well, It’s About Time

Former NDP member of parliament Svend Robinson has finally been charged with theft of a diamond ring to impress his boyfriend with.
That was two months ago.

NDP leader Jack Layton was sympathetic at the time.

“Now Svend’s inner strength must be applied to a very personal inner challenge,” Layton said. “I have every confidence that my friend Svend will overcome.”

It took a special prosecutor to figure out that grabbing 50K of someone else’s stuff and leaving the premises is like, illegal. Robinson’s snap impulse had been preceeded by casing the joint a shopping trip to the store two days earlier.
NDP Lorne Nystrom, who incidentally, also had a personal shoplifting crisis a few years ago;

“It is a personal tragedy,” … “All of us, under certain circumstances, crack and do something that’s really strange and weird.”

Strange how that happens. They always “crack” in the presence of something expensive. You don’t hear of people succumbing to stress and say…. making off with the neighbor’s garbage.
Equally forgiving, was Prime Minister Paul Martin, ” who called Robinson a dedicated parliamentarian who’s clearly under a lot of stress.”
Well, you can’t say he’s inconsistent on the issue of being holding thieves accountable. Though, at least Svend gave back the ring.

2 Replies to “Well, It’s About Time”

  1. Yes, but if I “crack” and throw rotting fruit at these crooked frauds to express my displeasure at their breathing precious oxygen, after being sorely provoked for decades, I’ll bet the RCMP/local constabulary tackles me in seconds (and none too gently) and that I’m charged with assault right quick.
    “Assault? The fruit was SOFT, your honour.”

  2. Kate,
    Well, you can this for the guy, his hair is holding up well under all that stress.
    And Fred, you are no doubt correct sir.
