Media Sanitizing

The Aboriginal justice commission was formed in response to the freezing deaths of Indian men on the outskirts of Saskatoon – in locations that coincided with an incident in which Saskatoon police dropped an intoxicated Darrell Night to walk back to the city, in the dead of winter. Yesterday the commission released its final report.
The Federation Of Saskatchewan Indian Nations did not attend the news conference, but responded today. Early broadcasts of comments of Vice-chief Lawrence Joseph had some particularly descriptive criticism of chair Willie Littlechild’s report (which included emphasis on the need for Indian and Metis communities to take responsibility for their own future)… now, lets see who wants to include it in their print coverage.
Looking for the money quote: Globe and Mail ? not here.… the CBC …nope. … FSIN news release ? eh… no.
So far, I can’t find the statement in any coverage at all.
Ok, so this is from memory, from a local 650 CKOM radio clip this morning (it’s been dropped from later reports). FSIN Vice-chief Lawrence Joseph;

” they want to train Indian leadership to be good little white leaders.”

That may not be the exact wording, but it’s damned close. If anyone has the actual transcript, please send it along.
(update, June 24 – revised to actual quote.)
