Clinton Book Phenomenon?

Matt Drudge is so funny. From his current “headlines”;

Clinton’s Book Signings Draw Adoring Throngs in NYC…
CNN: ‘My Life’ sets records; 90,000 to 100,000 unit single-day expectation..
PUBLISHER CLAIMS: 400,000 copies bought in U.S. in one day!
BUT… Sales slow in Florida…
Stacks Left Untouched on Maryland Shore…
Clinton book sales quiet in Arizona…
Memoirs not on Houston’s best seller list…
Tome slow out of gate in Cincinnati…
Not flying off shelves in Hudson Valley…
Mixed reaction in Manitowoc…
Mixed book sales in N.E. Georgia…
Creates little hoopla in San Antonio…
Not Selling in Shenandoah Valley…
Book not so magical in Wichita Falls…
Hoosiers react quietly to memoir…
Just hype? asks Gainesville…
Sales can’t measure up to Harry or Hillary in suburban Chicago…
Memoirs don’t stir Saginaw…
Memoir is no 1st-day best-seller in Ft. Wayne…
Not selling in VA Beach…
No best seller in Billings…
Slow in Sacramento…

A little mental exercise, now if you will.
If there had been no Monica Lewinsky in the White House, what would the buzz be around “My Life”? today…
Can’t think of anything, eh?
So, why would anyone other than the usual suspects run out and buy a book, when they can get their curiosity satisfied for free on 60 minutes?

3 Replies to “Clinton Book Phenomenon?”

  1. I fully expect that Cigar Afficionado will start giving away copies of the book free to their subscribers when it becomes evident that no one is willing to pay money for it.
    Hee! 🙂

  2. Come On! His brilliant Telecomunications Act of 1996 is sure to be a page turner!!!!
    Actually, it is used by the left to explain the late 90’s economic “miracle” (which is kind of like saying an egg in flight is a miracle right before it hits you in the head). The TAct of 1996 was of course a resounding failure, but lets not let pesky opinions by industry experts get in the way of lengthy prose.

  3. On last week’s Newlyweds, Jessica Simpson was doing a book signing in New York. The line-up was small. Jessica’s Dad said that was not so bad as Hillary Clinton only drew 250 people to her New York book signing. There doesn’t seem to be an appetite for Clinton books.
