Farenheit 9/11 Out Takes

I haven’t watched any of these because I hate them enough for one lifetime already. And think long and hard before you do.
The murder video of South Korean Kim Sun-il is now available. And, not widely reported – the body was boobytrapped.
And via Stephen Green a documentary of Iraq, under Saddam. You know – before the days of BushHitler and the horrors of Abu Ghraib.
I sent “movie reviewer” Rex Reed the link by email. Subject line: Farenheit 9/11 Out Takes

2 Replies to “Farenheit 9/11 Out Takes”

  1. Beltway Traffic Jam

    The linkfest: Stephen Green has an interesting recipe involving ground elk. Kate McMillan reports some surprising poll numbers. Cam Edwards catches WaPo fawning over Bill…
