3 Replies to “Whip Vs Whip”

  1. Kate,
    This is a very interesting post, not the least of which is Ms. Taylor’s reported stroke at the age of 17 years (Rare, to say the least).
    And no, in any context, I am not a priori any adult smoking pot. In this case, if the history of her stroke is correct, it may be that she hasn’t to-date, found any allopathic (or homeopathic) solution to her post-stroke symptoms.
    And her take on politics with regard to S/M is equally interesting, as it is in her words “very negotitation-oriented” (really it is more about the implementation and submission to power), each of which strikes me as both honest and true.
    Whether or not she would make an able public servant (no pun intended), is worthy of debate.
    But it seems to me that Ms. Taylor knows and understands much about how to govern.
