Taking Back The Language

The defining moment for me during last night’s election results was this one: Newly elected Liberal MP in Kings-Hants (NS), Scott Brison:

“There’s not a lot of room for Red Tories in a party with a lot of red necks.”

This morning, I’m wondering where the outrage is.
There is none, of course, because it’s acceptable in the media to use cultural slurs against Western Canadians.
And sadly, it’s been acceptable to us for too long. Or it never occurs to us that the slur is serious, intentionally dehumanizing and directly aimed at core conservative values and belief systems integral to our heritage and western history. A couple of weeks ago I took a swipe at the CBC’s Michael Enright for “criticizing the media for assuming” that the conservative Fraser Institute was the Droolers and Knuckledraggers Association. He never did “get” it. He was incapable of recognizing that his use of those terms, in and of themselves, to describe conservative thought was dehumanizing, whether or not he was defending the Fraser Institute in this instance. He wasn’t criticizing the marginalization of conservatives by the media, he was criticizing them for automatically dismissing the Fraser Institute as part of that “drooler” crowd.
The biased conduct by the national media during this campaign has been brazen. From day one, a blatant double standard has been applied to the Conservative party members who dared open their mouths and express personal conservative values. Social conservates in the Liberal Party enjoyed a free pass, their “gaffes” unreported, the contraversial backgrounds of Liberal advisors unexamined.
The media drove the agenda, hijacked the campaign and framed every discussion on so-called “social issues” as an “us vs them-who-would-kill-gays and enslave women”. Stephen Harper was branded as “scary” . Apparently, Liberal corruption at the senior civil service isn’t “scary”, but invoking the constitutionally entrenched notwithstanding clause is the chainsaw massacre of Canadian Politics.
The same thing happened to health care. No rational debate of private vs public ever occured. It was good vs evil, right vs wrong, Canadian vs the evil baby-killing American system. During the Klein health care frenzy nobody turned a camera east to the blatant Canada Health Act violator – Quebec.
The Conservative campaign has to take some blame for that. They shied away from those direct comparisons. In the well-predicted hindsight of a zero seat performance, it was an opportunity squandered to put Paul Martin’s challenge under a public microscope and pound home the message of “double standard”. They didn’t, and why they didn’t I will never know.
If Canadian conservatives, both big C and small c, are ever to find a voice in this country and rescue it from it’s headlong collapse into international disintegration – we must begin at both the top political echelons of the party, and the grassroots, by reclaiming the language and demanding our own share of protection under political correctness guidelines. It is not a silly “get even” suggestion. It is critical, if we are to remove this tool from the hands of the opposition.
The most obvious first target is to eliminate the use of the word “redneck” as an acceptable tactic to stifle debate before it occurs. Make the use of the word “redneck” as unacceptable as “redskin”, “raghead” and “frog”. Then we can go to work on “hillybilly”, “cowby” and all the other sniggering cultural insults as they surface. It’s an easy one to attack because it’s so common and used so casually. Tackling “redneck” would seed doubt in the minds of moderate Canadians that maybe – just maybe – it is not appropriate to marginalize conservatives with cheap namecalling tactics.
This week Conservative party officials should hold a news conference. That news conference should have a sole purpose – to demand a public apology from MP Scott Brison for his derogatory cultural slur against Western Canadians.
Get this namecalling issue on the table. Stop allowing the left to write the Encyclopedia of Political Correctness. Point out just what terms like this are intended to do, and that their use is a cheap device to avoid debate. Until that happens, western Canada will remain vulnerable to being political dismissiveness as uneducated, unintelligent, unsophisticated, and untrustworthy. And so long as we permit it, we have no one but ourselves to blame.
It’s time to demand respect, and to settle for nothing less than 100% compliance in the language of both the left and the media.

12 Replies to “Taking Back The Language”

  1. A lot of regular Canadians have to start watching for this, then. Call your radio talk shows and mention how offensive ‘”redneck” is when used in this context.
    A lot of Conservative strategist have to get their shit together too. They’re the ones that can challenge the media and make it an issue for editors and pundits.
    Make moral relativism work for us for a change.

  2. Funny how the media always gives a pass when a lib engages in name calling. A few years ago, then-VP Al Gore referred to supporters of Ollie North’s Senate candidacy as the “extra-chromosome right wing”. The media let it drop. Not a peep from Down’s Syndrome (caused by the presence of an extra chromosome) advocacy groups, either.

  3. Interesting.. I remember a certain someone talking about how distracting it was that Jack Layton was so short and laughing about it. It was also interesting how the host briefly paused in an uneasy moment and then continued on without commenting. But, of course, that was germane to the topic at hand.

  4. That’s right Todd!
    Jack Layton is short. It’s not a disease.
    We were asked our thoughts on the campaign. I asked if it were true that Jack Layton is rather short in stature. I mentioned was that the NDP “man on the street” television ads showed him with persons who were all shorter than he is, and I found it distracting. Yes, I also found it amusing – it’s funny when people try to project something that they’re not, when the projection is vanity or image driven.
    Just like Howard Dean would stand on a box to appear similar in height to John Kerry to look taller for the TV cameras. It says something about the person”s desire to manipulate the image.
    And no, Murray did not “briefly pause” and move on. He said he hadn’t noticed, but did describe Layton as “vertically challenged”.
    You should really listen to the CBC “comedy” spots more often. You’d discover from “Grampa” that Harper is like Hitler (Yuk Yuk) Funny stuff. Taxpayer funded cultural enrichment.

  5. Since when is it offensive to report what an elected official says during a victory speech? Have I missed something, or are you suddenly against free speech?
    For chrissake people, he used the term “redneck”. Suck it up. When did my fellow flatlanders turn into such, er, pussies?

  6. Say what? How did you come to the conclusion that I was saying it was “offensive to report” his cultural slur.
    I wonder what Brison would have said if a Conservative MP had said “good riddence to the fag, we need real men in our party” when he made his opportunisitic decision to jump to the Liberals.
    I don’t see a difference. And really, isn’t that what political correctness is about? The offended get to set the rules, not the offenders or bystanders.

  7. So let’s see the logic of this.
    Brison leaves the party because it won’t tolerate his identity, but when he returns the favor people cry like stuck pigs.
    Pot calling the kettle black.
    The Alliance leadership should have walked over broken glass to keep a fag like that in the party. Did you think winning power would be easier by moving to the right?
    BTW I see you are plugged into the the right wing blogosphere. Instapundit means well but is blinded by his ideology. Kinda like GWB. If you get tired of validating yourself everyday I recommend Kevin Drum at http://www.washingtonmonthly.com

  8. “Brison leaves the party because it won’t tolerate his identity”
    Brison left his party because he didnt win the leadership, and could smell cabinet post. At the time he left, remember, the Liberals were considered to be coasting to their biggest ever majority.
    I quit reading Kevin’s site about the time he descended into the national guard records fiasco.
