Canadian Taxpayer – Portrait Of An Idiot

Tim Blair notices;

Produced in association with SBS Independent and CBC Newsworld. Produced with the participation of the Canadian Television Fund created by the Government of Canada and the Canadian cable industry. Produced with the financial participation of The Government of Canada, Canadian Film or Video, Production Tax Credit Program And with the assistance of The Government of Ontario, The Ontario Film and Television Tax Credit. Developed in association with Film Australia and the Australian Film Commission. Developed and produced with the assistance from The New South Wales Film and Television Office.

That’s right, folks. Our tax dollars are at work funding Australian documentaries about anti-war activists.
Nominated for the Palm D’moron.

One Reply to “Canadian Taxpayer – Portrait Of An Idiot”

  1. Like what? We didn’t have enough home grown Morons to document in Canada (as a warning to future generations/cultures) or something?
    I mean, just this one lamentable election turned up enough of them to start their country. Oh, wait, this IS their country. Fooey.
