We Have The Firepower

Over at Pol:Spy, Ray beholds the Ontario voter;

“Our soldiers,” said Heather, “go into situations to keep the peace, not to shoot people. They have all the equipment they need, they don’t need American-style weapons.”
“We’re not a warrior nation,” said St. Clair. “Canadians don’t want our military over-armed.”

Ray observes, “with that attitude we should just invade the East.”
I have a better idea. Let’s invite the minority of sane, free enterprise Ontario voters to move here, and let the rest starve themselves out.
An email from a friend whose family owns a small construction-related company south of Toronto;

“I had a fight (was on my soapbox today) about Harper vs. Martin. The one guy in our office voted because he didn’t like the gay parade in Toronto this past weekend. This guy voted Liberal – haaaaaaaa grrrrrrr….. unbelievable. Even [my husband] was speechless at [the] remark. If you looked at the politics behind the parties, he should have voted Harper not Martin. This guy has a brain, but must have gone brain-dead at the polls.
Believe it or not …. I think that Harper has to bring his next campaign to the common level of intelligence in Ontario – about a grade 6! No kidding.
I’m still spitting mad at the damn Liberals and the stupid people not only in Ontario but in any province who cast a red vote. Haven’t they learned their lesson. This election cost the taxpayer 250 Million dollars – for what? another idiot in Ottawa.
If I’m this mad, I can’t imagine how pissed off the west is. “

Lots of room for you out here, Sharon.

5 Replies to “We Have The Firepower”

  1. Obviously, Heather has never met an actual soldier, or been to the nasty holes we send them.
    Ever Canadian soldier (those actually interested in soldiering, that is) I’ve ever met drooled like an idiot (ok, they didn’t drool, they salivated profusely) at the very idea of being equipped more like on an American scale.
    And for reasons that go far beyond simple “nifty toys for big boys”, reasons like: safety in execution of missions, ability to train realistically, ability to execute goals, redundancy in emergencies, etc…
    Basically, being able to do a proper 1st world quality job.

  2. The lack of support that our soldiers receive from our government and Canadian citizens is a disgrace. These fine men and women put their lives on the line for us every day and receive nothing but denegration and criticism for it.

  3. Fred, we must not have met the same soldiers. I’ve been impressed with the professionalism and dedication demonstrated by the ones I know.

  4. Given the support our government gives our soldiers they are absolutely top notch. Imagine if they had completely up to date gear?
    I emailed the Earl McRae about that article Pol:Spy mentioned – I’m praying it’s all one big satire – I’m praying people like that don’t exist in Ontario…. though I’m afraid they do. Talking to Liberal voters here in Ottawa makes me want to lash out at them…. I’m still so angry my province did this to the country…..

  5. Sean: I’ve met two who were depressing “lifers”, clock watching military bureaucrats and butt kissers.
    The others were of a higher calibre. As it were.
