Passion Of The Moore

Jeff, at Beautiful Atrocities, does a masterful job exposing the double standard of the entertainment media with a side by side comparison of “reviews” of Moore’s Farenheit and Mel Gibson’s Passion Of The Christ
A sample:

A.O. Scott, New York Times:
F9/11: Mr. Moore’s populist instincts have never been sharper…he is a credit to the republic.
Passion: Gibson has exploited the popular appetite for terror and gore for what he and his allies see as a higher end.
Ann Hornaday, Washington Post:
F9/11: Moore exercises admirable forbearance … his finest artistic moment.
Passion: Gibson has exhibited a startling lack of concern for historical context.

Go read ’em all.
hat tip Marcland – who also has a pretty funny post on US reaction to the Canadian election.

3 Replies to “Passion Of The Moore”

  1. The critics loved the Kill Bill violence too, but The Passion’s violence was the bad kind according to this bunch. I’ve seen neither film but the critics have their agenda and they’re stickin’ to it. They still can’t believe or understand the runaway success of Mel Gibson’s movie.
