Voting With Their Feet

Peaktalk notes;

During the Vietnam War, U.S. emigration to Canada surged as thousands of young men, often accompanied by wives or girlfriends, moved to avoid the draft. But every year since 1977, more Canadians have emigrated to the United States than vice versa – the 2001 figures were 5,894 Americans moving north, 30,203 Canadians moving south.
So for every six potential Conservative voters Canada loses it gets one Liberal back. That must have had an impact last night.

Jaeger sees it from the opposite direction.

Yeah, and we lose so many potential opinion leaders, too, not just voters. There are just so many academics, writers, businessmen and others who simply decide it’s easier to just leave rather than fight against the stale liberal consensus in Canada. Why put up with the abuse? Consider this hit piece on the Calgary School of political philosophy in the Globe. They actually refer to these accomplished academics who dare to be conservative as The Calgary Mafia. Why put up with such abuse when they could be taken seriously in Chicago?

Something to consider, the next time you hear our Liberal politicians spout off about the superiority of Canadian social programs and economic policies to those of the big bad neighbor to the south.
Adjusted for our population differencials, the impact it has on our two countries means that for every American who moves up here, 60 Canadians leave. So much for our superior health care system, “stonger” economy and social safety nets.
Crossposted at the Shotgun

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