And Meanwhile, Back In The Real Canada

“We are quiet patriots
, but not today.”
“Not today,” he said to much cheering and applause from flag-waving onlookers.
The Prime Minister said he looks to the future with a positive attitude.
“Our confidence in the future is second to no other. Our pride in being a welcoming country that is the envy of the world is second to no other. Our compassion toward those in need and the inclusive nature of our society are second to no other. Canada is second to no other.”
Governor-General Adrienne Clarkson, who addressed the crowd wearing a large white hat, noted that wherever Canadians are Thursday, they are likely to be celebrating their pride.
“Canadians are coming together in all kinds of places. You’re here on Parliament Hill, but perhaps some of you would be in that park in Swift Current, on the Market Square in Saint John, on the beach at Blind River.”
Both Ms. Clarkson and Mr. Martin made note of the 60th anniversary of the invasion of Normandy on D-Day earlier last month, and to the continued commitment of Canadian forces as they serve around the world.
“To me, that is our Canada. Those are our heroes. Those are the people who were called forth and volunteered to fight for freedom,” Ms. Clarkson said.
Maj. David Berry, the deputy commander of the Canadian Parachute Centre at CFB Trenton, Ont., said a shortage of working CC-130 Hercules planes has forced him to begin renting American aircraft to fly training missions for Canadian Forces airborne soldiers, military spokesmen told the National Post. […]
He said the parachute centre needs a minimum of 328 flying hours from the military to complete its basic paratrooper courses, but last year the Hercules were only available for a total of eight hours.
“What’s happening is that my students can’t finish their courses,” said Berry. “I have to bring them back, later in the year, to get their last couple of jumps. That was costing me $100,000 a year.” […]
Air force officials have said that the Hercules fleet — which includes aircraft which are more than 40 years old — is showing its age and the wear and tear of spending more hours in the air, flying more and longer missions.
A report to senior generals and defence officials last summer said the Hercules were in “critical” condition.

hat tip – Canadian Comment

11 Replies to “And Meanwhile, Back In The Real Canada”

  1. Oh my gawd. We are so lacking in paratrooper resources that our boys will never be ready in time to drop behind enemy lines.
    Maintaining paratroopers at this time is a drain on military funds that would be better spent on something that could actually be used in today’s conflicts and peacekeeping missions.

  2. Brilliant Robert. So are you saying that Canada should not have any trained troops at all?? No operational readiness just in case some day the Americans decide they are not going to defend us. Did You know Robert that some of these paratroopers go on to become Search and Rescue specialists, you know the guys who rescue sailors in stormy seas, or go to plane crash sites, or into zones that no one else can get into. So we dont need those huh Robert. Just think about this Robert. You and others of your ilk loudly proclaim your anti-americanism, but yet are more than willing to turn Canada’s defense over to those same Americans. You’re a hypocrite.

  3. Robert: Did you not read the story in the Readers Digest about the rescue of the survivers of a Canadian plan crash in the arctic, in the winter, in the dark,and in a gale force wind and the only way to reach the plane in time was by parachute? One thing I know, you were not one of the victims or the rescuers .Spike

  4. No, no, no, Robert is right. Dear god, could you imagine what would have happened if Canada had the transport to insert and supply a regiment of paratroopers to someplace like Rwanda? That fool Dallaire would have tried to use them!!!
    Canadian troops being able to get to a war zone in less than 3 months. Canadian troops jumping into the boonies to get between killers and their victims. Canadian troops keeping the peace by actually, you know, like, threatening to shoot someone if they didn’t stop killing the women and children. What a horrible idea!!!
    How could we keep blaming the Americans if we had the capability to do something about genocide?
    Besides, paratroopers just don’t have the proper attitude to understand UN peacekeeping. Look what happened when we sent them to Somalia. The silly fools thought they were there to stop the killing. The rules of engagment were very clear. They weren’t allowed to confiscate weapons or use force. The peacekeepers were to politely ask the killers to stop and,if absolutely necessary, to use bribes to stop the genocide. Standard UN rules.
    Whats so difficult to understand that Canadian peacekeepers are there to make Canadians feel good about themselves, not to actually do anything?
    But Noooo, a few dead bodies, some starving children, orders to give food to the killers and an antimalaria drug now proven to cause psycotic episodes and the paratroopers fall apart and kill 3 Somalis. They actually had the nerve to say they despised genocidal murderers on tape. Barbarous racists, paratroopers.
    Canada has no need of heavy airlift or transport ships or paratroopers. Better to follow the UN rules and not put Canadian boots on the ground untill the killing is over. That way we can feel good about ourselves and still blame the Americans for the dead.

  5. Did you not read the story in the Readers Digest about the rescue of the survivers of a Canadian plan crash in the arctic,
    Yes, yes, Paratroopers can be used for other things beyond their primary mission. But their main purpose is to be deployed behind enemy lines. Since there has not been a war that really required this role for 60 years, they are now just a drain on resources.
    The real problem with Canada’s military is not so much the underfunding but that money is wasted funding silly luxeries like keeping paratroopers around just so you all can boast that Canada has paratroopers. There is no role the paratroopers currently fill that cannot be filled by other troops for far less money.
