

“I know that Republicans are going to try very hard to say, ‘Oh, John Kerry voted for that dairy compact when he represented Massachusetts,'” Kerry said. “I plead guilty. I did vote for it, because I represented Massachusetts as a United States senator.”
Noting that he will be representing the entire country as president, Kerry said he wouldn’t support such a regional system if elected.

That’s not the important part, though. This is;

Throughout his hourlong town hall-like meeting in Independence, Kerry spoke of his proposals to require that food labels include a product’s country of origin and to expand programs that provide financial aid to farmers who practice conservation.

Just so you Kerry-cheering Canadians can’t say you weren’t warned.

4 Replies to “Flip”

  1. He has also stated on numerous occasions that he’s in favour of keeping the border closed to Canuck Cattle.

  2. Robert,

    “…only Bush sycophants and Bush haters.”

    That’s it?
    Nothing else?
    Why just these two options?
    Are you sure?
    Could you elaborate on this?

  3. I’m speaking in general terms of course, but most Canadians fall into two groups. They either love or hate Bush. Nobody really cares about Kerry or his getting elected other than it being a means to an end. That being the removal of Bush. So it’s not that people in Canada are Kerry lovers, but that they are Bush haters.
